April 21, 2016

Knowledge Sheet by SRI SRI RAVISHANKER

Everyone who gets angry has some justification for their anger. They think that they are correct. Anger is good, but only to wake you up. After that, it needs to be given a direction of creativity, otherwise the same anger can burn you. It is good to have a stove at home, to have fire in the house, but the house should not be on fire. Become soft from inside. This is the skill. Getting rid of people and things is not the answer, but dealing with them with skill is the answer.
When do you get aggressive? When you feel that the situation, person, people are beyond your control, or you feel that it is not possible. Or when you feel that you are smaller than the situation, then you become aggressive.
The way to make relationships long lasting is through right perception, right observation and right expression. Often people say that nobody understands them. Instead of this you can say that you have not expressed yourself properly. To express yourself properly, you need proper perception and that can happen when you see the situation wearing the other person's shoes. For that, you need right observation. The whole life is a lesson of just these three things: perception, observation, and expression.

Attachment is when you want something in return. If you love and do not want anything in return, then that love doesn't turn into attachment.
What is the purpose of Sadhana (spiritual practices)?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
To be yourself!
When prana level is low - you feel upset, angry, dejected and not so good. When prana level is even lower - you feel life is not worth living. When prana level is normal - you feel yourself, like a normal human being. When prana is a little higher than normal - you feel more creative, enthusiastic, and joyful. And if it is even higher, you realize something much deeper.
Sadhana is meant to increase this prana level in you. If your prana level is constantly high - then you don’t need to do sadhana - that is what is enlightenment; your optimum prana.
I remember an elderly gentleman, some 40 years back, asked me, "Are you tired? You must be tired!"
There was an 86 years old gentleman with me, he pounced on the person, suddenly saying, "Come on! A yogi will not get tired!" That is true! Tiredness is when our senses go outward; the moment the senses start turning inward, we are tapping into the eternal source of energy....


Thought For The Day
"Life is like Riding a Bicycle." "To keep your Balance, you must keep moving." "The only thing in life that you have Absolute control over is your Attitude."
"Understand the Power of Discipline."
If you think something is a bondage, it becomes a bondage. If you consider it as service or seva, it will not feel like bondage. If someone tells you, you have to do this work, then it seems like a bondage, but if you do on your own and if you do it with your heart then you will keep doing it.

In our ashram, we have to tell some people to get some rest. We have to tell a lot of them to take rest as they put in their heart and soul. And there are some people who don’t do anything. So we cannot have the same solution for everyone. For some people, we have to tell them to do some work, and for some we have to tell them to stop and relax a bit.

The mind is the reason for the bondage, and mind is the reason for liberation. If your mind is happy, doing anything gives you pleasure. But if your mind is upset and heavy, then nothing seems to create an interest.


The world does not expect you to do what you cannot do. Doing what you can do without expecting anything in return is service

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