February 24, 2022

Pondering over Devadasi system

 Pondering over Devadasi system

My hypothesis comes from the Shiva Shakthi principle.

Shiva – Masculine energy, static principle, Nirguna, cosmic consciousness

Shakthi – Feminine energy, Dynamic principle, prana, inner consciousness

When settlement started, building temples was nature's decision as they were built on udbhava moorthies, not manmade ones.

Hence, some settlement got Female deities and some got Male deities. That became their Kula or Grama Devata.

As noted, villages with female deities had a free flow of energy and happiness than the villages which had male deities. Villages with male deity didn't have the same flow of energy as it was devoid of prana by itself. As Shiva is tatastha.

Shakthi manifests in different forms, Para – Transcendental, Apara – Immanent, and Para-Apara – Intermediary energy. As villages didn’t have a choice of choosing the transcendental and immanent energy, they choose to have intermediary energy by providing the feminine principle so that there was a Soul in the village.

Hence, the system was born. Deva dasis means in service to God. Devadasis had to be extremely beautiful and also astavidya parangatha. The feminine principle is very evident here because the girl was married to Lord only after menarche, not before that. They lived on generous donations provided by the rich and poor who were scared of the wrath of Kula devata. The power devadasis held were tremendous because they engaged with the villagers and also kept them entertained.

However, as the world would have it, life moved higher up in Maslow's theory of needs, greed took over. Although Devadasi was in service to God, the deity was worshipped by Priests/God-man. They were considered as the medium to reach God. As the power of Devadasis rose, with their Asta vidya, Godman chose to have their power back. Hence, The Devadasis system broke down to prostitution for/by the people in power and influence.

As we now stand almost soulless world because of the reigning supremacy of masculine energy devoid of Prana.

The system was first abolished by Britishers in 1934 as they didn’t understand how it all originated or if they did they ignored it because of their own greed to acquire India - Shakthi peet who stood tall, resilient and survived years of abuse and gave back only when she was pushed against the wall just like any other mother would.

The recent state to abolish was Maharastra in 2005. Although most states put forward the law to abolish the system, they haven’t put up an administrative system to monitor the law implementation hence, the system still exists.

How it took the turn into the caste system, am still pondering. Will come up with another soon when I figure it out in my head.

There are a lot of things which we miss when we don’t give a thought to origin.

I remember stopping by the woods by Robert Frost here and I say miles to go before I sleep.

Source- LINKEDIN // Geetha Mahadevappa., 

February 23, 2022

Men in your 20s read this:

 You think you have time.

I'm nearly 28. Let me tell you: You don't. 30 will hit you quick. Get moving.

Stop thinking about chasing pussy. Start thinking about building yourself. Focus on becoming the best you can be. She'll come without you needing to look.

Don't rely on your college degree to carry you through life. I've been in sales for 7 years. Trust me when I say: Most degrees have almost ZERO real-world relevance. Start listening to podcasts, watching Youtube & reading books to develop yourself.

Don't be lazy. When you find something you enjoy. For god sake commit to it! "Half-arsing" will screw your growth. Be better.

There’s no guarantee that everything you do will work out. This is a great time for you to experiment. Embrace volatility. It's the best way to build mental strength.

It’s up to you if you spend your 20s partying. I partied hard but you know what? I wish I didn't. Cost me my health & development. Better alternative: Good food, deep conversation & a glass of wine.

In the end, you get to decide, whether you want an average life. Or, you want to create a life you’ll be proud of. Whichever path you take, remember: Your future self, family & generations are counting on you.

The keys to a happy life are: - Exercising daily - Getting lots of sunlight - Eating a clean diet - Prioritising sleep - Being ferociously selfish - Surrounding yourself with inspiring people Drinking, drugs & late nights will cost you. Ignorance is not bliss, it's dangerous.

Invest time into your purpose. Something that gives your life meaning. Something bigger than yourself. Could be building a company, could be using your content to touch lives, could be making a difference in whatever way. Please, just do something.

Ignore the pressure to get married by 30. Scarcity mentality leads to bad decision-making. As a man, you have your whole life for this. Instead, find something meaningful to do. That’s what contributes to your happiness & will make you truly wealthy. Women can wait.

Plan trips + invest in knowledge + buy bitcoin + work out + build great habits + develop an inspiring social group. You must invest in your tomorrow. This is how you bulletproof your future.

Don't trust your government. Don't trust the news. Don't trust your school education. Unlearn your conditioning. Reprogram yourself with books, podcasts & philosophy.

Prioritize lifting weights regularly. Your confidence, health & attitude will benefit. Bonus? Girls will chase you instead.

You’re going to make mistakes. But, you know what? Embrace it! You're young. The quicker you f*ck up, the quicker you'll learn. Don't beat yourself up. Keep moving.

February 21, 2022

9 Hard-hitting truths you must accept if you wish to grow in life:

 1. Life isn’t fair.

Every day, life throws obstacles at you. These obstacles may be perceived as unnecessary (and sometimes they are), but life works that way. It is random, it is ruthless and most of all, it is not fair.

2. No one is coming to save you. You think someone will guide you through life…parents, teachers or friends, but in the end, the ONLY person that can help you, is you. No one will be there for you all the time.

3. Money, matters. “Money isn’t important, happiness and family are!” Quotes like these sound good, but they are not logical. I mean, why not both? Look at it this way, Money gives you freedom of choice and freedom of choice gives you joy. Money, matters.

4. You’ll lose a lot of people when you start to grow. A lot of people will be your “friends” unless you take hold of your life and start improving.
People stay with you because you’re just like them.
Living a normal life, doing a normal job, earning a normal income. They get uncomfortable the moment you start getting better.

5. A bad decision is better than no decision at all. Inactivity is the death of productivity and efficiency. Making a bad decision will be a setback, but it’ll at least teach you something. Not deciding at all will keep you exactly where you are.
Trust your gut and make a decision, if it’s good, GOOD!
If it’s bad, minimize the damage, learn and move forward.

6. Your ideas are stupid without a plan and implementation. How many of your friends have had “business ideas” and how many of them are successful business owners? Zero or very few. Ideas are fantasy land. Making them become real requires devotion and grueling hard work

7. Waiting for the perfect time is procrastination. “I’ll start this Monday.” “After the New Year, I’ll start planning for my business.”
The idea that if you do it on some particular date, it’ll be good for you is simply illogical.
“RIGHT NOW!” is the perfect time to start working on your goals.

8. Change is the only constant. People change. You know someone for 10 years and the next day, they’ll be a whole different person.
Feelings are not permanent. Opinions are not permanent. Nothing in your life is permanent. Things around you WILL change and sometimes you cannot do ANYTHING about it.

9. You’re going to die. Everything has an expiration date. Your time will come. And the sad part is, you don’t know exactly when it is. One day, you’ll be unable to work on your plans. You’ll be unable to talk to your friends and family
You won’t be able to experience sunlight, food, and nature.
Things will end; make the most of them while you can. Enjoy every minute of every day doing something that you love.

13 Habits To Make Best Use Of Your Time.

 1. De-clutter your brain.

Write down your thoughts and ideas. - This helps to clear your mind and makes it ready for decision making. - Provides clarity on your goals and priorities. - Makes room for higher levels of thinking and focused action.

2. Categorize your tasks. The Glass Jar: Rocks, Pebbles, Sand. Rocks - Most important tasks. Pebbles - Tasks that are most important but not the most critical. Sand - Smaller, more insignificant tasks. Tackle the rocks first. Pebbles and Sand will fall into place.

3. Eat the frog. - Your frogs each day are the tasks that will have the greatest impact on achieving your goals. - These are usually the tasks you are most likely to procrastinate starting. - Eat the biggest frog first.

4. Set up an organized environment. - Create the right environment for work. - Eliminate useless clutter. - Set up an effective filing system. - Have all of the work items handy.

5. Don't let the mind wander. - Life is always just present moments. - Live in the present to avoid an emotional rollercoaster.

6. Take regular breaks. - Working without breaks does more harm than good. - A small break will help you to refresh and then refocus on work.

7. Understand the power of now. - Wherever you go, ensure that you are there totally. - Let go of your past so that it doesn't ruin your present or your future. " Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life".

8. Overcome procrastination. Use the 4D system. Do it - postponing an important task creates anxiety and stress. Do it as early in the day as you can. Defer - if the task can't be completed quickly and is not a high priority, simply defer it.

Delete - find the consequences of not doing the task at all? Consider 80/20 rule. Don't do it. Delegate - Important task? Should you do it or can it be delegated?

9. Find your productive zone. - Identify your zones of highest mental and physical energy each day. - Structure your most important and demanding tasks around these times.

10. Eliminate electronic time wasters. - Set a time to use your electronic gadgets. - Identify which apps are causes of your procrastination and tackle them.

11. Set goals. Set SMART goals - make sure the goals you set for yourself are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Goals tell you the direction you are heading to and extremely important in time management. Set and focus on 5 specific goals.

12. Identify your key constraints. - Determine your internal and external bottlenecks. - Bottlenecks set the speed at which you achieve your most important goals. - Focus on alleviating them.

13. Fitness. - Staying fit and healthy helps you manage your time the best possible way. - Exercise, Eat healthily. Get good sleep.

February 15, 2022

कुरान पर चले थे केस....

 बहुत कम लोग जानते है कि सन 1986 में दिल्ली में कुरान पर केस चला था... और कुरान की 26 आयतों को दिल्ली कोर्ट ने विवादित, अमानवीय एवम शर्मनाक घोषित किया था... उस समय जो जज थे उनका नाम जस्टिस Z.S. Lohat था...

हुआ ये था कि  दिल्ली के इन्द्रसेन शर्मा

और राजकुमार आर्य नामक दो व्यक्तियों ने कुरान की आयतों को दीवारों पर लिखवा दिया था... जिसमे लिखा था कि जो इस्लाम को न माने उसे कत्ल कर दो इत्यादि। ये सब देखकर मुस्लिम भड़क गए... दोनो को गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया... और दोनो को मेट्रोपोलिटन मजिस्ट्रेट जस्टिस लोहाट के सामने पेश किया गया... दोनो की तरफ से यह दलील दी गयी कि हुज़ूर हमने वही लिखा है जो कुरान कहती है... जस्टिस लोहाट ने जजमेंट देने से पहले दिल्ली, यूपी के कई मुल्ला मौलवियों को सफाई देने के लिए बुलाया था, किन्तु एक भी मुल्ला मौलवी हाज़िर न हुआ... बल्कि राजनीतिक दवाब बनाकर केस ही खारिज करने की कोशिश की जा रही थी क्योंकि हकीकत सामने आ चूकी थी... जस्टिस लोहाट ने अलग अलग पब्लिकेशन की कुरान मंगवाई थी, जो हिंदी, उर्दू एवम अंग्रेज़ी भाषा मे थी ताकि इंटरप्रिटेशन का प्रॉब्लम न हो... किन्तु एक भी मौलवी सामने न आया... जिस से सब कुछ साफ साफ साबित हो गया और जज साहब  ने जजमेंट दिया...

31 जुलाई 1986 को जस्टिस लोहाट ने दोनो आरोपियों को बाइज्जत बरी करते हुए यहां तक कहा कि मुल्ला मौलवियों से अपील है कि इस किताब को बदले... इसमें सुधार करे... ये ईश्वर की किताब कैसे हो सकती है?

इतना ही नही, सन 1920 में जब मुस्लिम समुदाय ने ओछी हरकते करते हुए कृष्ण तेरी गीता जलानी पड़ेगी का नारा दिया, तब उस समय इस्लाम के प्रकांड विद्वान चंपू पंडित ने किताब लिखी जिसका नाम था "रंगीला रसूल"... ये किताब मोहम्मद पर थी। क्योंकि भगवान श्री कृष्ण तो महायोगी थे और उनकी गीता पूरी दुनिया के वैज्ञानिक पढ़ चुके है और सभी ने पढ़कर उसकी तारीफों में पुल बांधे... चाहे महान आइंस्टीन हो या परमाणु बम का अविष्कार करने वाले ओपेनहेमर जिन्होंने गीता का 11वा अध्याय पढ़ने के बाद परमाणु बम बनाया था... किन्तु जब मोहम्मद पर ये रंगीला रसूल किताब लिखी गईं और मुस्लिम सम्प्रदाय भड़क उठा... तब इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट में केस चला... उस समय अंग्रेज़ो का शासन था... ब्रिटिश जज ने मुल्ला मौलवियों को बुलाया औऱ पूँछा की इस किताब में क्या गलत है? सभी मुल्ला मौलवियों ने उस किताब को पूरा सही बताया... उसमे कुछ गलत नही बताया... और इस तरह चंपू पण्डित के खिलाफ केस खारिज कर दिया गया... किन्तु केस खत्म होने के बाद भी चंपू पण्डित पर मुस्लिम समुदाय द्वारा हमले जारी थे क्योंकि उन्होंने रसूल की सच्चाई जो बया कर दी थी...

हैरानी की बात ये है कि मीडिया ने कभी भी इस केस का आजतक जिक्र न किया... बताइये... भारतीय मीडिया वामपंथ की जकड़ में जो है... मुस्लिम परस्त... ये केस गूगल में भी बड़ी मुश्किल से ढूढने से मिलता है... क्योंकि नेहरू ने इन केसों को रिकॉर्ड से हटवाने की कोशिश की... बाद में दिल्ली केस जिसमे जस्टिस लोहाट ने कुरान के खिलाफ फैसला दिया था उसका जिक्र कलकत्ता हाई कोर्ट में किया गया... और राजनीतिक दवाब, कांग्रेस के राज के कारण तत्कालीन कलकत्ता उच्च न्यायालय ने जस्टिस लोहाट के फैसले को नजरअंदाज किया... और इसे इस्लाम का व्यक्तिगत मुद्दा घोषित कर दिया...

वही कृष्ण गीता में कहते है कि

ममैवांशो जीव लोके जीव भूत सनातनः...

अर्थात संसार का प्रत्येक जीव मेरा ही अंश है एवम सनातन है... अर्थात किसी से भी द्वेष मत करो चाहे वो मुझे मानता हो या न मानता हो...

यही कारण है कि आजतक श्रीमद्भगवद गीता के खिलाफ एक भी केस नही चला बल्कि आधुनिक अमेरिका के जनक एमर्सन कहते है कि मुझे मेरे सारे प्रश्नों का उत्तर बाइबिल एवम कुरान में नही बल्कि गीता में मिला!

February 11, 2022

Ancient revival! Sanskrit language

 Ancient revival!🇩🇪

👉 In Germany, 14 of the top universities teach Sanskrit, classical & modern Indology compared to just four in the UK.

🔺Unable to cope with the flood of applications from around the world, the South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, had to start a summer school in spoken Sanskrit in Switzerland, Italy and - believe it or not - India too.

🔺Apart from Germany, the majority of students come from the US, Italy, the UK and the rest of Europe.

🔺One of the professor said," Linking Sanskrit with religion and a certain political ideology was “stupid” and “detrimental to the cause” of its rich heritage.

🔺Dr. Michaels feels that instead of indulging in a political and religious debate, Indians should try to preserve their heritage.

🌍 The majority of Sanskrit scholars, including those at Harvard, California Berkeley and the UK, are Germans.

🔺Don’t we conserve a rare, old painting or sculpture? This is a live language…and rich cultural heritage which might become the casualty of neglect just as great civilisations like Hampi, the art of Ajanta and temples of Konark got buried in oblivion. It was up to the British to discover them later.

Sanskrit, along with its culture, philosophy and science might become similarly extinct,” he claimed, adding: “On the other hand, there is so much yet to discover through Sanskrit…details of Indus Valley civilisation, for example.”

👨‍🎓 Time for Indian universities to revive our language.

🇮🇳 According to 2018 census, there are 121 languages which are spoken by 10,000 or more people in India, which has a population of 121 crore.

Each & every Indian language is treasure in itself.

Good that New Education policy encourages local language.

Source: Daily mail UK /Indian Express



Understanding psychology!

 👉 During early 2000 when the US economy went into recession & great depression following the dot-com bubble burst, a certain customer's buying pattern was noticed.

👉 Leonard Lauder, a former chairman of cosmetic company Estee Lauder, noticed that particularly "Lipstick💄" sales went very higher (than usual) even during huge economic crisis.

💄That's when be coined the term "Lipstick effect" which basically means consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods instead of buying expensive fur coats, designer shoes, purses etc.

🔺Lipsticks aren't inferior goods, economists say, but they could be small indulgences, an inexpensive treat meant to substitute for much costlier items like purses, fur coats etc.

🤷 The lipstick effect is when consumers still spend money on small indulgences during recessions, economic downturns, or when they personally have little cash.

The ‘lipstick’ in the above explanation of the psychology of consumers does not literally have to be a lipstick. They can be anything that could be a substitute for expensive items.

🇮🇳 This Lipstick effect played out in India during covid crisis. Companies such as Hindustan Unilever Ltd, the owner of the Lakme brand, and Nykaa have reported a surge in cosmetics & personal care sales amid weak economic activity.

💡This gives a company/brand a chance to launch products that could possibly play into Lipstick effect psychology.

Isn't this interesting?

🤔 In this reference to context above, what was your "Lipstick effect?"

BRAND Archetypes through lens -Indian-Brands

There has been so much already written about brand archetypes and this is certainly not one more of those articles. In fact, this is rather ...