March 15, 2021


 THE 48 LAWS OF POWER----------------------------------------

LAW 1: Never outshine the master.

LAW 2: Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use enemies.

LAW 3: Conceal your intentions.

LAW 4: Always say less than necessary.

LAW 5: So much depends on reputation - guard it with your life.

LAW 6: Court attention at all costs.

LAW 7: Get others to do the work for you; but always take the credit.

LAW 8: Make others come to you - use bait if necessary.

LAW 9: Win through your actions, never through argument.

LAW 10: Infection - avoid the unhappy and unlucky.

LAW 11: Learn to keep people dependent on you.

LAW 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim.

LAW 13: When asking for help, appeal to people's self-interest. Never to their mercy or gratitude.

LAW 14: Pose as a friend, work as a spy.

LAW 15: Crush your enemy totally.

LAW 16: Use absence to increase respect and honor.

LAW 17: Keep others in suspended terrorism: cultivate an air of unpredictability.

LAW 18: Do not build fortresses to protect yourself - Isolation is dangerous.

LAW 19: Know who you're dealing with - Do not offend the wrong person.

LAW 20: Do not commit to anyone.

LAW 21: Play a sucker to catch a sucker - seem dumber than your mark.

LAW 22: Use the surrender tactic - transform weakness into power.

LAW 23: Concentrate your forces.

LAW 24: Play the perfect courtier.

LAW 25: Recreate yourself.

LAW 26: Keep your hands clean.

LAW 27: Play on people's need to believe to create a culture following.

LAW 28: Enter action with boldness.

LAW 29: Plan all the way to the end.

LAW 30: Make your accomplishments seem effortless.

LAW 31: Control the options - get others to play with the cards you deal.

LAW 32: Play to people's fantasies.

LAW 33: Discover each man's thumbscrew.

LAW 34: Be royal in your own fashion - act like a king to be treated like one.

LAW 35: Master the art of timing.

LAW 36: Disdain things you cannot have - ignoring them is the best revenge.

LAW 37: Create compelling spectacles.

LAW 38: Think as you like but behave like others.

LAW 39: Stir up waters to catch fish.

LAW 40: Despise the free lunch.

LAW 41: Avoid stepping into a great man's shoes.

LAW 42: Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.

LAW 43: Work on the hearts and minds of others.

LAW 44: Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect.

LAW 45: Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once.

LAW 46: Never appear too perfect.

LAW 47: Do not go past the mark you aimed for. In victory, learn when to stop.

LAW 48: Assume formlessness. 

Do you know why your life feels like it’s going so fast?


You do the same thing everyday for years on end. Your brain can’t separate one day from the other. So in your memory a year feels like a month because you did nothing that stands out.



10 Things Rich People Do

 How to Get Rich

1. Build Multiple Income Streams The average millionaire has 7 income streams. Income streams could include: - Primary job - Partner's job - Real estate income - Side hustle income - Interest and dividends Don't put your eggs in 1 basket. Diversify your income today.

2. Use the System in your Favor 66% of millionaires are business owners. The wealthy use: - Tax deductions - Tax advantages - Personal liability protection Understand different business structures: - LLCs - S Corps. - Sole proprietorships Build a lasting empire now.

3. Be a 401k Millionaire As of 2020, there is a record number of 401k millionaires. How to be a 401k millionaire: - Invest early - Invest consistently - Use employer matches - Increase investments with raises With time and consistency, you can be a 401k millionaire.

4. Pay Yourself First Use money to make money. How to pay yourself first: - Deposit your paycheck - Automate your investments first - Any money left over can be spent Create your wealth before you consume. You owe it to yourself.

5. Find an Accountability Partner Find a trusted partner to hold you accountable for your financial goals. An accountability partner can be: - Your friend - Your spouse - Your partner - Your mentor - Your professor Use your network to your advantage.

6. Invest, Don't Just Save "Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world" - Albert Einstein. Invest in: - Yourself - Your network - Your business - Your retirement There is no such thing as the "perfect time" to invest. Start today to build a better tomorrow.

7. Avoid Debt Get out of high-interest debt today. Debt can hurt your: - Credit score - Quality of life - Chances for retirement - Ability to open a business - Chances for continuing education If you hold high-interest debt you are robbing your future self.

8. Don’t Spend Money on Stuff you Don’t Need Instead of buying: - Luxury cars - Luxury clothing - Lavish vacations Use your money to: - Pay off debt - Invest in yourself - Invest for retirement Don't buy stuff to impress people that don't care.

9. Automate Bills & Investments Why automation works: - More time - Less stress - Consistency Automation will help you: - Stick to your plan - Remain consistent - Not miss any due dates When you automate your life, you automate success.

10. Create a Plan of Action Every dollar has a purpose. That means: - Start a budget - Track your budget - Review your budget daily - Discover opportunities to improve The hardest step is starting. Make a plan today.

How to kill a hangover


0.  2000mg NAC

- 2000mg Vitamin C - 100mg Vitamin B1 30 mins before your first drink. No hangover guaranteed.

1.    Drink 32 ounces of water

    Wait Other things that help include eating a banana, breaking a sweat, and having sex

2.    Knowing what to drink is the trick. 1-2 ozs Absinthe, straight. Buzz in 90 seconds. A  lucid amazing buzz, btw. Sober in 2 hours. No hangover feelings at all.


3. Topical magnesium chloride, bone broth and organ meat capsules in the AM accompanied by sunlight and fresh air. adequate hydration, get some milk thistle tincture going on.

4. Three round sauna session interspersed with cold showers and tons of water

5. chugged a Powerade and Smashed Taco Bell
Works every time

6. Pedialyte or rehydration salts. Then water.

7.A good bowl of pho / salad


9.     McDonald's fries and a giant fountain soda

if you are at 20s , Follow the path

 1. Nutrition.

Master your food choices.

Your peers are busy doing the reckless thing by consuming:

• Sugar
• Fast Food
• Starbucks Milkshakes

They might seem fine now, but their recklessness will catch up to them in not time as they age. 
2. Hydration.

Master your fluid intake.

While everyone consumes bullshit in the form of soda, alcohol,and energy drinks,

You need to drink spring water.

Hydrate yourself adequately and your body will feel wonderful. 
3. Sleep.

This is the most important thing to take care of when you’re young.

I’m disgusted by how many young people grossly neglect sleep.

That’s why they’re fat, sick, anxious, and neurotic.

Get a minimum of 8 hours.
Go to sleep by 10:30 PM.
Avoid food 3 hours prior. 
4. Breathing.

Your peers are deeply unconscious of how they breathe.

They’re mouth breathers.

You need to become a nose breather and start from the diaphragm.

Your energy levels will be limitless and mental clarity on point. 
5. Thinking.

Your peers are miserable because they think negative thoughts all the time.

If you want to become better, program your subconscious with empowering ideas and beliefs.

Your life certainly becomes a reflection of your beliefs and thoughts. 
6. Movement.

Master your body.

Kids these days cannot even sprint 50 yards without getting winded.

Kids these days are mirroring their miserable fucking parents will beer bellies.

Fuck that.

Get into your body by training consistently and wisely. 
Your peers are constantly under stress because they don’t wisely take care of those six foundation principles.

1. Nutrition
2. Hydration
3. Sleep
4. Breathing
5. Thinking
6. Movement

That’s your foundation. 
Where do you think anxiety, depression, and nihilism come from?

They largely manifest from an unhealthy relationship with all six of these foundation principles.

Take care of them and they will take care of you.

No anxiety.
No depression.
No nihilistic thinking. 
Instead, you’ll have:

More gratitude.
More peace of mind.
More empowered thinking.

There’s no limit to what you can do with these in check as a young person.

Who the fuck knows what potential you have, go and find out
If you found value in this and want to go even deeper to change your life..........


10 reasons why. Teach your kids how to sell.

 1. Your kid will stay curious.

Embrace when your kid asks. Answer when they do.

Teach them how to ask quality questions.

To dig into topics of interest.

Don’t let questioning become their fear.

Curiosity & understanding are the power to learn.

It's the heart of sales.

2. Your kid will master communication.

Teach your kid how to take calls for you. Practice writing.

Make them lose the fear of speaking in public.

How to lead with confidence.

Effective communication builds trust. Loyalty.

It’s everyday life in sales.

3. Your kid will be self-reliant.

Life can get challenging & there will be setbacks.

Teach your kid to do things themselves. To not depend on anyone.

Sales is all about hitting your own targets. Not giving up.

Your kid will become accountable of their actions & efforts.

4. Your kid will value money.

Money is not a taboo. Talk money with your kids.

Teach them how to earn money. Budget. Grow it. Money management.

Help them set-up a lemonade stand. Or anything to sell.
Sales is all about using money as a tool. Not a goal.

5. Your kid will build lasting relationships.

Teach your kids how to define positive relationships.

To recognize the impact each person has in their life.

The effort it takes to maintain lasting relationships.

Humans are social creatures.

Sales is social understanding.

6. Your kid will stand up for themselves.

Teach your kid to stand up for their beliefs. Be authentic.

Feel comfortable saying “no”. Push forward after a loss.

It is all about building up confidence.

Sales will set-up your kid to face rejections.

To keep pushing forward.

7. Your kid will embrace mistakes.

Both kids & adults make mistakes. Everyone does.

Yet kids often grow up thinking that it's all perfection.

Teach your kids to embrace mistakes.

To take responsibility & fix wrongdoings.

Sales is improving processes after making mistakes.

8. Your kid will recognize marketing attempts.

You are being sold to with emotions everywhere.

An advertisement. Billboard. Job post. It's all sales.

Teach your kids emotional intelligence.

To recognize human reactions.

Sales is understanding how people respond to things.

9. Your kid will be empathetic.

Push your kid to discover who they are by meeting people.

It is all about emotions. Human connection.

Teach them how to introduce themselves. Build trust. Help others.

Sales is about empathy & helping to find solutions.

10. Your kid will learn patience.

Things don’t always happen when one expects.

Yet don’t confuse patience with not taking action.

Teach your kid to always get going while staying patient.

The best salespeople are those that master timing.

Teach your kid sales. Teach yourself how to sell.

10 Steps to going from planning to doing. How to Actually Just Start ??

 10 Steps to going from planning to doing

1. Find a roadmap and copy Every time I have ever achieved anything I reached out to someone already successful in their field and asked them for the steps

If you know what you are doing it makes starting easier

2. Ask yourself why you have to do it

Why do you go to work when you hate it? Why do you eat food? It is all for survival You have to keep that survival mindset and think of all the things you are going to not have if you don't FOMO (“fear of missing out.”) yourself everyday

3. Accept this is what you do now Once you realize that this is not what you want to do or "hope to do" and maybe someday might do and you understand this is what I am and this is what I am Starting and then continuing is much easier

4. To Do List Keep to do lists with strict deadlines You need to know what you are doing and when and if it is not done you need to make changes then and there It also helps having the person that showed you their roadmap hold you accountable You will get more done

5. Use Momentum If you are running and you start walking it becomes harder to start running again but if you push through the pain barrier it goes away (the body is built like that) So is your mind, you can't stop and once you get momentum behind you, you build habits

6. Build Habits

Habits will come from momentum Once you have habits in place you will find your goals much easier to achieve You get into the habit of making 100 sales calls a day You will make sales from that habit and it becomes a part of your survival

7. Don't expect instant results When serious investors invest into projects they can be waiting years for any sign of profit You can't pull the plug because your life didn't change in 2 weeks and say it "didn't work" and then go back to old habits that genuinely "don't work"

8. Keep successul people in your field around you If everyone around you is doing well in what you are looking to achieve you will become one of them Successful people genuinely tend to build people up and want them to join them at the table You will also be kept in the loop.

9. Keep your time schedule realistic 1 - 2 goals in your todo list for the day is fine People that put 20 goals on their daily to do list are rarely serious You want to be getting things done every day

10. 4 Hour work days 4 hours of productive work is MORE than enough for you to be able to keep a good life balance + reduces the risk of you bailing Like ppl that put 20 goals on their to do list Most ppl working "18 hour days" are not serious; 17 Of them spend hrs are on facebook

5 Habits of Highly Successful People.

 1) They are Goal-Setters.

Everyone has some dreams in their lives. But the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is simply the level of dedication put into the goal. Successful people create realistic goals and stick to them until they reach them.

2) They are Open-Minded. Successful people are open-minded to new ideas. They don’t stay fixated on one particular thing and allow room for improvement as well as constructive criticism. By being open-minded, they allow new ideas to process through their minds.

3) They Live Each Day Like It’s Their Last. Successful people live each they like it is their last. They don’t put off tasks rather they prioritize and always get their work done. They give their full potential everyday which allows for more productivity and leads to success.

4) They are Always Learning. Successful people understand that they don’t know everything and accept their weaknesses. This allows them to constantly learn and gives them room for self-growth. Because of this successful people are very adaptable and reach so much.

5) They are Proactive. Successful people are proactive and don’t wait for success to come to them. They chase their dreams rather than waiting for success to come to them. By being proactive and taking steps consistently they become closer to their goals.

Summary: 1) Successful people are Goal-Setters. 2) They are Open-Minded. 3) They Live Each Day Like It's Their Last. 4) They are Always Learning. 5) They are Proactive

Hacks To Boost Your Productivity

 1) Set your intention

Most people aren't able to focus because they're not clear on what to focus on and for how long. Give yourself a productivity boost by choosing a specific task to do for a specific amount of time. Clarity is key.

2) Exercise Adequate exercise not only keeps your body fit but it also helps you in increasing your focus and productivity. Even a 20 mins of cardio can make a huge difference.

3) Meditate Meditation helps to calm your mind and build focus. It is the most simple and the most effective thing. Meditation helps you in focusing on one thing at a time and thus it increases your productivity.

4) Take Breaks It's proven that taking short breaks between the tasks helps in regaining your energy thus increases your productivity. So after every 25 minutes of work take 5 minutes of break. If you want, you can set timer on your phone to remind yourself.

5) Avoid Temptation Distraction is a difficult habit to overcome. Checking your phone in between your work waste a lot of your time. So It's important that you avoid these temptations because they decrease your productivity. Learn to say NO to your urges.

6) Alternate high and low focus tasks. Lower focus tasks include returning emails or answering calls or texts and other routine tasks. These tasks gives your brain a chance to recover and relax. So you can do these small tasks in your break to make yourself relax.

7) Stay Hydrated Most people don't understand that dehydration can impair ability to concentrate and make good decisions. So keep yourself hydrated, drink plenty of water everyday. This activity will make a huge difference in your focus and productivity.

8) Develop a positive mindset If you want to be more productive, then develop a positive outlook on life. Studies have shown that your mindset affects your productivity. If you develop a positive mindset, you will achieve more each day.

March 13, 2021

7 Life-changing habits that will bring you success

 1. Great Results

Great results are built form small actions that you take everyday. It is your habits that will determine who you are and what you can accomplish in the future. Your habits reveals your character.

2. Start your day early. Wake up early & you can spend some undisturbed time alone & do your most important tasks. You may feel uneasy & uncomfortable at first, but you need to overcome it & turn it into a habit. Wake up 15 minutes earlier & gradually improve from there.

3. Spend 30 minutes into reading. Read to help your yourself. Read relevant books that will improve your knowledge. Read so that you can articulate your problems better and solve them.

4. Practice the power of five. Everyday, write down 5 things that you need to do that day in order to achieve your goals and do them.

5. Praise & Compliment others. If you want to build a strong relationships and successful business, you must appreciate good behaviours of your team or people which will help you grow your business or your relationship with people.

6. Commit to your promises. Once you have promised someone that you will do it, do it with your full commitment. No matter it is in business or in life. If you're someone who breaks promises, nobody will trust you and no one would want to do business or be with you.

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently." ~ Warren Buffett.

7. Contribute back to the world. Start contributing back to the world, to the people who helped you in your success/growth or anything. You don't need to wait until you are successful to contribute. Start small.

March 08, 2021

How To Deal With Others, that Irritate you. !!!!!!

 When you find yourself angry or irritated with somebody.

Look at yourself first.
Do not ask, what is wrong with this person.
Instead ask, what does this irritation tell me about myself?
The cause of this irritation is not in this person, but in you.
Understand that there is a real possibility that this person's "defects" annoy you because you have them yourself.
When you don't like something in someone most probably because you have them.
You have repressed these feelings, and are projecting them onto the other person.
Once you see this for what it really is, you can now show gratitude.
For this person's annoyance has now led to self-discovery.

I appreciate you taking the time!

BRAND Archetypes through lens -Indian-Brands

There has been so much already written about brand archetypes and this is certainly not one more of those articles. In fact, this is rather ...