December 27, 2022

The Five Monkeys Experiment & Its Lessons for Your Organization

A researcher puts five monkeys in a cage. 

There’s a bunch of bananas hanging from a string, with a ladder leading to the bananas. 

When the first monkey goes for the bananas, the researcher sprays all five monkeys with freezing water for five minutes. Some time later, when a second monkey inevitably tries to go for the bananas, the researcher once again sprays all five monkeys with the cold water for five minutes.

 The researcher then puts the hose away and never touches it again. But, when a third monkey tries to go for the bananas, the other four attack him to prevent him from climbing that ladder. They are afraid of the punishment that may come. 

 Then, the researcher replaces one of the monkeys with a new monkey who wasn’t part of the original experiment and was never sprayed with water. And, as soon as he touches the ladder to go for the bananas, the other four monkeys attack him to keep him from doing so.  If he tries again, they attack him again. Thus, the new monkey learns not to go after the bananas because he’ll get attacked if he does. 

 The researcher replaces a second monkey with another new monkey. When this monkey goes for the bananas, the other four attack him, including the new monkey who was never sprayed with water. The researcher then continues to replace all the monkeys one at a time, until all five of the original monkeys are removed from the cage. 

Each time the newcomer goes for the bananas, the others attack, even when they, as new monkeys, have never received punishment for going after the bananas. And thus, the new monkeys, who have never been sprayed with cold water, learn not to go after the temptation of the bananas.  

The researchers hypothesize that, if they were to ask the monkeys why they don’t go for the bananas, they’d answer “because that’s the way it’s always been done”.

What can the Five Monkeys Experiment Teach Us?

There’s controversy over whether the five monkeys experiment even happened, but as business owners and CEOs, there’s a lot to learn from this, even if it’s only viewed as an analogy. The five monkeys experiment says a lot about the pervasiveness of traditions within an organization.

Traditions are a part of every organization, especially if the majority of the workforce has been around for some time. But, those traditions can be detrimental to progress within your workplace, especially when new employees are stopped from pursuing new ideas. By focusing on doing something the way it’s always been done because it’s tradition to do it that way, organizations are often rendered blind to new ways that they can get the “banana” (the prize they’re going after).

The five monkeys experiment, therefore, teaches us that we need to be constantly challenging ourselves to look at things from a new light, to question things that don’t always feel right, and to avoid using the excuse of “we’ve always done it this way” to avoid trying new things and branching out in new directions. In other words, if we want that “banana”, there are times that we’re going to need to get creative, or let those new employees try new things.

8 lessons people learn too late in life...

 1. Important people come and go, and that's okay. 

Unfortunately, the most important people in your life can become strangers overnight. Fortunately, total strangers can become the most important people in your life overnight.

This process hurts, but if accepted, it serves to improve the quality and suitability of the people in your life.

2. Your diet isn't just what you eat.

As you get older you realise that your diet isn't just what you eat, it's what you watch, what you read, who you follow and who you spend your time with. So if your goal is to have a healthier mind, you have to start by removing all the junk

from your diet.

3. You have to let people down to be happy.

You and your mental health are more important than your career, more money, other people's opinions, that event you said you would attend, your partner's mood and your family's wishes.

If taking care of yourself means letting someone down, then let someone down. Your self-love must always be stronger

than your desire to be loved by others.

4. Never let rejection lead to self-rejection.

A person who has experienced rejection fears rejection, and a person that fears rejection tends to push or run away before

they can be rejected. 

In their subconscious mind they have avoided rejection.

In reality, they've been rejected again this time by themselves.

5. Own your responsibilities, own your future.

You're not responsible for your trauma but you are responsible for breaking the cycle and not hurting more people because of what happened to you.

You will never control your future if you let your present be controlled by your past. 

What happened yesterday may not be your responsibility, but how you behave today is.

6. Quality over quantity.

Life is about quality, not quantity.

One quality friend gives you more than 100 acquaintances.

One quality relationship gives you more than 100 flings.

One quality experience gives you more than 100 drunken nights.

7. Fairytales will make you unhappy.

Obsessing over the things that society said you're "supposed to do" will kill your happiness. Don't listen to the fake fairytales of how your life is supposed to be going. You don't have to go to university at 18, or get a job at 21, or buy a house at 25, or get

married at 30, or have kids at 35. 

Everyone is different, and your path to happiness will be too.

8. Fun is yours.

If you want to enjoy your life, don't subscribe to other people's definition of "fun".

Fun doesn't have to mean drinking, partying

and socialising.

Fun can be a night in alone, getting lost in a

book, a deep conversation, a walk, creating art, playing music or doing work that you love.

Your fun belongs to you, make sure you define it.

14 life lessons You will glad You learned at 20 and not 50:

1. You need to start

This is your only life. It's too short to keep putting

off doing what you want to do. Live your life for you, not

anyone else.

2. Your environment is crucial 

Regardless of how disciplined or motivated you are. If you're in the wrong environment you'll never get anything done.

3. Be ready to pivot

Things change, plans fall through and life happens.

Be ready and willing to pivot when chasing your goals according to the feedback you're getting.

4. Books are mental masturbation

I love reading, I love learning. But too much reading and not

enough doing is just like binge-watching Youtube. Read, apply, repeat.

5. You need to be selfish

You can't pour from an empty cup. So be selfish, fill your cup first and then you can be selfless and pour into others.

6. The gym is preparation

In the gym, your mind is telling you to quit the whole time.

By not quitting, you're building your mental fortitude and

resilience in preparation for life. 

7. You can't stop learning 

The moment you stop learning, you stop progressing.

Acquire new knowledge, learn new skills, apply, progress, repeat. 

8. Not everyone wants you to win

Learn to recognise those that truly want the best for you and

those that don't. Cut the latter out.

9. Risk is a part of life

Whether you're taking a new job, starting your own business or

moving to a new country. Anything that has the potential to

improve your life involves risk. Embrace it.

10. Challenge your beliefs

Why do you believe something? Because your parents told you? Because the news told you?

Challenge what you believe, be willing to listen to opposing

opinions and always be ready to learn.

11. Money can buy happiness

Money can buy you time freedom, location freedom and most

importantly, the opportunity to do what actually makes you happy. 

12. You need discomfort

Whether it's physical discomfort in the gym or mental discomfort when chasing your goals. Embracing discomfort is the key to long term fulfilment.

13. Failure isn't final

Failure is nothing but a sign telling you which direction not to go. Stop treating it like a never-ending red light.

14. Consistency always wins

Talented but not consistent? You'll fail. Hard-working but not

consistent? You'll fail. So long as you have consistency - You'll win (eventually)

8 Thought- Provoking Images that will change your life perspective


December 24, 2022

Children need stronger fathers.

 Children need stronger fathers.

Here are 20 traits every great father possesses:

1. Storytelling

We all forget most of what our fathers teach us, but we never forget a good story. 

My dad wasn’t always the dad of the year but he instilled some amazing lessons in me through stories (one was about him burning down a bridge). 

Stories can last generations.

2. Accountable 

Fathers show up. 

When it’s hard, easy, early, or late. They show up for their family, friends, wife, kids. This is something that should happen naturally as a father. 

As a father, we should strive for our kids to know that they can always count on us.

3. Confidence

Confidence is contagious.

Confident dads raise confident kids.

Confident kids become confident adults.

The cycle continues until generations are impacted by a confident father. Men you need to believe in yourself and exude confidence.

4. Discipline 

My dad battled with alcohol, but he was disciplined (stay with me).

There were nights when he would crash into bed only to wake up 3 hours later for work. He never missed a day.

Thankfully I haven’t picked up the drinking habit, but I show up everyday.

5. Presence

Fathers need to be present.

In a day where cell phones are raising children, it is rare to find a father who wants to truly spend time with his children.

Children will learn so much from you spending time with them. Make sure it’s a priority.

6. Patience

My father had a short fuse, I don’t. 

I promised myself that my kids would always be comfortable around me and never worry about me blowing up on them. 

Kids should have discipline but not fear when it comes to their father. Practice patience daily.

7. Humility

Fathers shouldn’t care about possessions or social status. This creates generations of people who are willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead.

Instead, kids need to learn how to be successful while still serving others. A heart of humility will go a long way.

8. Sense of humor 

The sound of my laughter from my child is the best sound on this earth. 

Knowing that it’s because I have a princess crown on during our afternoon tea party makes it even better. 

Don’t be the father who never laughs, let go of your pride and be present.

9. Integrity

My dad taught me that if you aren’t doing it when no one is watching, you’re wrong. 

Fathers must teach their children that it’s about doing everything right all the time no matter the praise.

Kids will learn from you where that line is drawn, act accordingly.

10. Sacrifice

Family requires sacrifice.

I learned this the day I watched my dad at dinner not eating. I asked him where his food was and he said he wasn’t hungry.

I realized that we were low on money and he went without so that I could have something. That’s sacrifice.

11. Consistency 

How many fathers do you know who are different every day?

This is something that I have been passionate about since the day I became a father. I want my kids to know that I am the same person every day no matter what happens.

Be steady, daily.

12. Encouraging

Life is hard. 

It’s harder without people in your corner. 

As a father, we should strive to be the ultimate encourager in our kid's lives. This doesn’t mean not giving them the hard truths, it means being there in the good and bad times.

13. Serves his wife

This is important. 

Children need to know that their mom is a priority. How you speak to her, they will speak like that. How you treat her, is how they will treat her. 

Set the example every day for your family through the love that you show your wife.

14. Empathy

Everybody’s broken. 

That’s what your children need to learn from you. They will watch how you interact with the cashier, the homeless man, and everyone around you. 

Let them learn how to treat people through your actions.

15. Loving

True love requires nothing in return. 

Your children and wife should never have to earn your love. No matter what they go through or do daily there should safety in the fact that you love them unconditionally. 

A father's love can change a child.

16. Protector

Your family should look to you for safety. 

Be the father that no matter the situation you can protect your family. Be in physical shape and be willing to make the decisions that are required to protect your family. 

A father should always protect his family.

17. Lifelong Learner

Life is better when you learn from everyone you meet. 

Teach your kids that everyone around them has unique experiences that can help them grow and be successful. 

My dad taught me to learn something new everyday and now I teach my children the same.

18. Discernment

Common sense is taught. 

It is taught through the situations you put your children in to learn. It is taught through your children watching you make daily decisions. 

Let your kids learn how to know right from wrong from you.

19. Sense of purpose

Fathers who wake up everyday with a drive to win that day will raise kids who do the same. 

Fathers should know the direction that they are going and why they are doing it. 

The purpose is what drives you when motivation fades.

20. Emotional intelligence 

Fathers need to be human. 

Teach your children that being able to relate to people and understand what drives them is a superpower. 

Share your struggles so that you raise children that can share theirs. It will change your kid's lives.

If you are a Student, open this it's important 👇

Study hard what interests you the most.

Don't care about what others think of you. Think for yourself.

Your intelligence is not determined by your examination grades but by your willingness to learn, your ability to think and solve problems.

Embrace the uncertainty. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Your skills are much more important than your grades.

Learn by understanding, not by memorizing.

It's Okay to say "I don't know" and "I need help". Humility is necessary for growth.

Work as hard and as much as you want to on the things you like to do the best. Don't think about what you want to be, but what you want to do.

What you cannot create, you do not understand.

Know how to solve every problem that has been solved.

Nobody figures out what life is all about and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.

All the time you're saying to yourself, "I could do that, but I won't" - which is just another way of saying that you can't.

There is no harm in doubt and skepticism, for it is through these that new discoveries are made.

Not knowing is not a bad thing like they teach you in School. It is an opportunity to learn something.

December 19, 2022

"Watching porn is normal" absolutely - WRONG

 "Watching porn is normal" ;WRONG.

This is why there’s nothing normal about porn.

The first thing I'd say is this:

Since when did it become normal to watch strangers have sex?

Would you watch strangers have sex through a window? Inside a closet?

In what world did it become normal to casually watch humanity's most intimate moments?

Of course, people who tell you it's normal to watch porn also say:

"It's healthy to watch porn."

If it's healthy to watch porn why do 52% of men have erectile dysfunction?

Why does porn use lead to divorce in 58% of divorce cases?

There's always someone online who has to add this one:

"Some men aren't able to have sex", Harsh truth. Most men don't deserve to have sex. 

You are here because your ancestors proved they were worthy of procreation.

Would that be the case if they were addicted to porn?


One of the worst effects of porn on society is unwanted exposure to porn among children.

The average age kids see porn these days is 11 years old.

This is proven to cause depression in children and life-long issues.

But tell me again, "Porn is healthy!"

Have you ever talked to a porn addict? Like really talked to one?

They aren't losers or degenerates or "weak men" by any means.

Lots of them are successful single men who saw it too young and don't know how to stop.

But do you know what they'll tell you?

"I don't know how to feel"

"I don't know how to connect to a woman"

"I don't know what healthy sex should look like in a relationship"

These men face emotional brokeness unlike anything I've seen before.

And broken homes and broken hearts make it worse.

Every day I spend my time and energy helping men break free from porn addiction.

"Porn addiction isn't real"

Oh yeah? When was the last time you watched porn?

Can you go a week without watching porn?

Go ahead and try it. I'll wait.

At the end of the day someone who tells me porn is normal says that to justify what their conscience tells them is wrong.

It is a lie they believe and live out.

And it's eating them alive. 

All I can do is tell them there is a way out and show it to them.

When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them.

"I run a MindFullness coaching business where I help men break their porn addictions."

Sometimes I can see it in people's eyes. They wince.

Or they look at me with admiration. 

But for those who tell me it isn't bad...

I tell them the truth.

And if they need help, I offer it to them.

Which is what I want to do for you.

I have helped 100s of men porn addictions in 31 days. 

I want you to experience that same freedom and success.

I have seen what freedom from porn does for men.

I have seen the way their lives improve. 

And I know how to make it stick.

So if you want permanent freedom from porn in 31 days

More energy, confidence, focus

Less shame, guilt, remorse

mail me -

Watching Porn has Nothing to do with SEX

 Men don't watch it because they're horny or because they don't have a woman.

These are the 3 main reasons men watch porn:

1) Escapism Men are under attack. Society hates them. They are hurting and down bad. And it's easier for them to run from the pain than it is for them to face it. Porn becomes a way to escape. To hide. And until men get better tools, they'll keep turning to porn. 2) Excitement and dopamine Men were built for war. Exploring the woods. Hunting game. And building. Instead they are stuck in fluorescent lit cubicles working for degenerates. Until men find a purpose greater than themselves, they'll go back to the hub. 3) Low testosterone It's no lie that the modernity is one large endocrine disruptor. From micro plastics in our clothes, to seed oils in our foods, and 5G and EMF radiation from our devices. Porn simulates a high t reality without fixing the root of the issue. Now that you know the WHY You need to understand the HOW.....
Read my other articles....


 1. Fix your schedule and sleep at 9:00 PM to be awake at 4:00 AM.

2. Quit your excuses and work out for 30 minutes daily.

3. Include 2 eggs plus fresh fruits&Vegetables in your daily diet to optimize your health.

4. Prioritize 2 cold showers a day with no excuses. I promise your self-discipline will be boosted.

5. Listen more than you talk and be teachable.

6. Learn to say "NO" unapologetically and get busy minding your own business.

7. Make an attempt and read 50+ pages to sharpen your mind.

8. Learn a new skill every 3 months and spend another 90 days developing it.

9. Set on a morning walk after having 2 glasses of water immediately after sleep.

10. Sleep a quarter of your day to reset your focus and boost your mood.

11. Put your phone away or uninstall your social network to save yourself from Ai manipulation.

12. Avoid sex, especially at the initial stages of your personal growth.

13. Please for no one else, do something for yourself for 6 months.

14. Go for 1000 hours without watching the news or talking politics and use the time to rest.

15. Make more money, and invest wisely to buy yourself anything without looking at the price.

16. Prioritize 4 hours of deep work a day over 8+ hours of busyness and make time to improve yourself.

17. Make time for your close friends and family during your weekend.



When you lie to someone it is always because of fear.

Fear of being:

- canceled

- punished

- guilty

Don't be ashamed of your:

- thoughts

- emotions

- knowledge

Be unapologetic and honest always.


Stop being in a relationship with your screens.

Porn, video games, social media, and all other forms of instant gratification should be avoided by you.


Don't make others feel inferior.

You break the code of brotherhood when you see someone as inferior and put them down.

Brotherhood means respecting each one of your clan.


Care and love yourself.

Hygiene is the simplest and most practical way to level up yourself.

Not just makes you disciplined, but also helps you boost your self-confidence.


Take responsibility for your life.

Set your standards high in your life and stop blaming the world, school, and parents for problems you face in your life.

Try reverse engineering and map out a mental image of your future life.


You become a man when you learn to manage expenses.

When you make more, you can invest more on yourself and hence you become a better person.


You take a tough decision to change due to temporary motivation.

And the motivation is gone, you fail miserably!

What's the core problem?




When you always compare yourself to others, you:

- Lose motivation

- Waste a lot of time

- Don't appreciate your achievements

Comparison is the mother of all sorrows.


We often focus on the overall outcome instead of thinking about the actions that will produce the result.

Do this instead:

- Enjoy the journey

- Focus less on the outcomes

- Develop habits that will help you in going through the journey


If you don't have goals or plans, you can't stay motivated because you don't even know what you should do.

You need to figure out:

- What is your destination

- How you can achieve it

- How fast you can achieve it

Keep pushing through.


It is shocking how much time we can waste with distractions and procrastination.

You may spend hours:

- watching the television

- logging into social media

- getting lost on the Internet.

These are habits that kill your motivation and waste time.

Make sure that you:

- a solid schedule

- an actionable plan

- have basic discipline in life

This will help you in utilizing your time to its fullest!



Most people are self-centered, lack empathy, and struggle to maintain a sense of compassion.

Manipulation will help you get what you want out of people in business, in your personal life, and in your love life.


Every Human must know how to defend themselves and their loved ones.

Failure to protect yourself and your family will be seen as a weakness.

Set aside 1 hour to learn combat sports from a professional.


People should know just enough about your life.

Lead a mysterious life.

You should know:

- What to share

- Who to share

- When and how


The only way to understand people around is to know yourself first.

Be honest with yourself and know about your weakness.

Control your reaction:

- Try not to take it personally

- Do not dwell on criticism

- Improve


Stop believing everything the people say, the media tells, and others' opinions.

Instead, use your own reasoning and intellect to arrive at the right decision.


You will always be judged for what you say.

Most people around you talk, just for the sake of it.

Instead, learn to communicate better and talk confidently.

Use your body language to assert yourself.

Have your way with words.


It can be just as difficult to absorb success as to accept failure.

All of us have been taught to enjoy success and dread failure.

A Human should know:

- Loses are inevitable

- A man who avoids failures avoids success

Dec 16

My Life literally changed when I changed the way I looked at this world.

15 Benefits of Meditation That Will Blow Your Mind

 1. Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations

2. Improvement in diet because of less cravings on junk food

3. More enjoyment of the real food

4. Managing your stress

5. Increasing self-awareness

6. Improved your ability to focus

7. Reducing negative emotions

8. Increasing imagination and creativity

9. Increasing patience and tolerance

10. Lowering resting heart rate

11. Lowering resting blood pressure

12. Improving sleep quality

13. Reducing anxiety

14. Focusing on the present

15. Emotional control in hard and stressful situations

Are you tired of feeling weak and demotivated as a man?


Here's how (8 Steps)

1. Keep pushing and adjusting

While most people probably would've stopped after their 20th, 80th or 100th rejection, you just need to keep pushing, no matter how uncomfortable it will be.

2. Show up and help others

If you're experiencing hard times, just keep showing up and adding value.

Over-deliver in every relationship- business or personal - until you focus more on what's ahead, rather than behind you.

3. Focus on what you can control

Focus on something you can do or fix, no matter how small.

Break down tasks into manageable pieces, and complete them one by one.

Then take time to appreciate each accomplishment along the way.

4. Have faith and act

No matter what life throws at you, it is an incredible opportunity to grow.

It comes down to how you perceive your challenges - and what you do about them.

Keep a positive mindset, and reframe challenges into your greatest gifts.

5. Find others who encourage you

Surround yourself with people who will encourage you and enrich your life.

Your surroundings decide what you will become in the future.

6. You can handle more than you think

You just have to look for them rather than play the victim. It also reminded me that life is finite.

So, make the most of it and stop sweating the small stuff.

7. Don't make failure an option

There is no substitute for mindset, work ethic, and discipline.

If you keep failure an option, it is more likely that you will face failure in your life.

Failure MUST never be an option.

8. Accept responsibility

You need to accept the work you have to do.

The one who will run from his responsibilities will surely fail in life. 

December 12, 2022

6 Pictures That Will Change The Way You Think:


Control your Emotions Control your MIND. Control your life. Work on Mental Models: - Learn big ideas - Study bug disciplines - Practice critical thinking - Strengthen your vision and leverage Think differently.

December 01, 2022


 - Don’t be on your deathbed someday, having squandered your one chance at life, full of regret because you pursued little distractions instead of big dreams.

- You need to know your personal philosophy of what makes you happy and what’s worth doing.

- The real point of doing anything is to be happy, so do only what make you happy

- When you make a business, you get to make a little universe where you control all the laws. This is your utopia

- We make things complex because we don’t believe in the simplicity of the world

- Success comes from persistently improving and inventing, not from persistently doing what’s not working.

- Don’t waste years fighting uphill battles against locked doors.

- We’re all busy. We’ve all taken on too much. Saying yes to less is the way out.

- Never forget that absolutely everything you do is for your customers. Make every decision—even decisions about whether to expand the business, raise money, or promote someone—according to what’s best for your customers.

- If you’re ever unsure what to prioritize, just ask your customers the open-ended question, “How can I best help you now?”

- The way to grow your business is to focus entirely on your existing customers.

- I’m so glad I didn’t have investors. I didn’t have to please anybody.

 Necessity is a great teacher.

- Ideas are worth nothing unless they are executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.

- Never forget why you’re really doing what you’re doing. Are you helping people? Are they happy? Are you happy?

- Tao of business: Care about your customers more than about yourself, and you’ll do well.

- If you find even the smallest way to make people smile, they’ll remember you more for that smile than for all your other fancy business-model stuff.

- In the end, it’s about what you want to be, not what you want to have.

- When you sign up to run a marathon, you don’t want a taxi to take you to the finish line.

- I learned a hard lesson in hindsight: Trust, but verify. Remember it when delegating. You have to do both.

- The less I own, the happier I am. The lack of stuff gives me the priceless freedom to live anywhere, anytime.

- You make your perfect world.



 1) Learn manipulation.

People around you are self-centered.

You'll identify instances of manipulation

around you and act right.

This will also be a gamechanger for you.

2) Learn how to fight.

There comes a time when you must

defend yourself.

Failure to defend yourself will be

seen as weakness.

Do this:

Set aside 100 minutes daily.

• Hire a trainer.

• Commit to at least 180 days.

You'll learn all basics.

3) Learn role-playing

People should know "just enough" about

your life.

Leading a mysterious life is attractive.

You should know;

• What to share

• To who

•When and how

Wear different hats and enjoy the game.

4) Learn brutal self-criticism

The only way to understand people around

you is to know yourself first.

Be honest with yourself and;

• Call yourself out for your inadequacies.

• Cut habits against your purpose.

Create the person you need.

Your life will be 10x better.

5) Learn how to doubt and question


Stop believing;

• What's famous

• What's common

• Experts and evidence

People try to assert their beliefs for power.

Do this;

Learn what there is

• Observe without judgment

Understand what servers you know.

6) How to talk Most people around you talk "just for the sake of it" 

You'll always be judget according to what you You need to know:

 • How to talk

 • When to talk

 • Who to talk to

 This will save 99% of the energy you'd have wasted in arguments.

6) How to talk

Most people around you talk "just for

the sake of it"

You'll always be judget according to

what you

You need to know:

• How to talk

• When to talk

• Who to talk to

This will save 99% of the energy you'd

have wasted in arguments.

Memorization? TECHNIQUES!!

Memorization! Most difficult aspect of student life for me. I wish the education system changes so as to require less memorization. 

But till then I'll give you useful tips for that.

A WRITE UP on memorization based on scientific evidence

There are 6 techniques: 

1. Revision at specific intervals

2. Association /Mnemonics

3. Loci technique

4. Chunking

5. Images/Visuals

6. Emotional response

1. We all know revision is important! But there is a science behind it!

Curve below shows how fast we forget anything we learn. We need to stop this forgetting process by an effective & scientifically researched revision schedule.

👉 Revision Schedule

Whatever you study today, revise it specifically at following times:
a) Tomorrow
b) In a week
c) After 1, 2 & 6 months

👉 With every revision

-Forgetting slows
-We remember more
- Information persists in memory leading to very high recall


2. Association: 

Forming associations with things we know or a sentence in a story format or Acronyms or Songs

Eg: Countries on equator can be remembered like below 

More you associate, easier it is to remember

The most used technique by many students ! It sticks to the mind once you remember it.
- VIBGYOR for rainbow colors
- Below image for planets 
- Make your own song or ryhmes

3. Loci technique: -Useful for remembering sequence of anything -Create a mental journey. Eg. thru your house. -You go from Front Entrance to Bedroom, then to the Kitchen, then Dining room and finally washroom.  
-Place each item of information on each stop of journey

👉 Technique of 'Memory Palace'

Since you know the journey, if you associate each item of information with each stop, u will remember the sequence. 

 In the image below, see a journey which you may be taking every day. Hence you would know the stops


4.  Chunking
- To remember a phone number, we remember it as 89-920-32-435 and not as single digits
- According to research, working (short-term) memory of  human brain can store 4 different things on average.
- By chunking, we increase it many fold by memorizing 4 chunks.

5. Images/Videos See information in images/videos . If visuals aren't available, create your own mind-maps with short pieces of information. Images are captured by the brain differently. 👉You will be able to recollect the entire image.  
👇Check out magic hexagon below

6. Emotion:  Intensity of emotion attached to our mental state when we first encounter a fact has a large impact on learning. 

👉 Corollary: Study with extreme passion. History as if you yourself are a character of history. Geography as if a volcano is erupting around you. 

Dominant Men:

1. Know what they want and how to get it.

2. Know where they are and where they’re going.

3. Tolerate zero sh*t from anybody, especially from women.

4. Tolerate zero disloyalty—snake me once and you’re out.

5. Tolerate zero negativity—be positive or you’re kicked.

6. Don’t watch porn.

7. Don’t masturbate.

8. Get their girl off before their girl gets them off.

9. Set up their life so girls chase them.

10. Set up their life to be highly rewarding.

11. Have multiple sources of income.

12. Have multiple ways of going to war with an enemy.

13. Study generals.

14. Study psychology/behaviorism.

15. Know how to manipulate people—but choose not to.

16. Know how to persuade others.

17. Take responsibility for everything in their life.

18. Don’t date women they don’t trust.

19. Are strong, effective communicators.

20. Practice their leadership-skills each day.

21. Don’t chase women.

22. Chase adventure and conquest.

23. Never submit to negative life circumstances.

24. Never submit to those weaker than him.

25. Never submit to women.

26. Maintain an air of mystery.

27. Talk less than they listen.(hint: ask questions)

28. Don’t tell everyone what they’re doing—they just do it.

29. Meditate.

30. Lift weight.

31. Get proper sleep.


1. Be Responsible

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Speak in Public

3. Carve a Turkey

4. Read Books

5. Build a Fire

6. Learn an Instrument

7. Have a Firm Handshake

8. Tie a Knot

9. Manage Your Money

10. How to Use Basic Tools

11. Iron a Shirt

12. Handle a Gun

13. Open Doors for Women

14. Use a Pocket Knife

15. How to Jump-Start a Car

16. Stand Up to Shake Someone’s Hand

17. How to Grieve

18. Don’t Be a Sore Loser

19. Don’t Be a Show-Off

20. Don’t Be Afraid to Hug Another Man

21. Be a Good Neighbor

22. Honor Your Marriage Vows

23. Be a Good Tipper

24. How to Tie a Tie

25. Dress Like a Gentleman

26. Don’t Use a lot of Foul Language

27. Stand Up for Others

28. Be Well Spoken

29. How to Defend Yourself

30. Treat Everyone With Respect

31. Sometimes, Life is Not Fair

32. Take Care of Your Health

33. Admit When You are Wrong

34. Respect Your Elders

35. Do What You Say You Are Going to Do

36. Be Kind to Animals

37. Don’t Lose Your Temper

38. Love and Respect Your Mother

39. Listen to Good Music

40. Know How to Drive a Stick Shift

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