April 29, 2016

Meet Narayana Murthy the father, through a humble letter he wrote to his daughter

We bring to you Narayana Murthy the father, and not the person who gave the world Infosys. Here is a moving letter he wrote to his daughter Akshata. After reading it, you will realise the kind of father Mr Narayana Murthy is, how both his wife and he brought up their two children, through both, the rough and good times.
Image : (L) - Rajinikant Vs CID Jokes; (R) - India Today
Image : (L) – Rajinikant Vs CID Jokes; (R) – India Today
Becoming a father transformed me in ways that I could never have thought possible. I could never go back to being the person I used to be before. Your arrival in my life brought unimaginable joy and a larger responsibility. I was no more just a husband, a son, or a promising employee of a fast-growing company. I was a father, who had to measure up to the expectations his daughter would have of him at every stage of her life.
Your birth raised the benchmark of my life, in every aspect. My interactions at the workplace became more thoughtful and measured; the quality of my transactions with the outside world more considerate, dignified, and mature. I felt a need to deal with every human being more sensitively and courteously. After all, some day you would grow up and understand the world around you, and I didn’t want you ever to think that I had done anything even remotely wrong.
What never ceased to amaze me was how you created your own little happy world at Hubli, surrounded by your grandparents and a set of adoring aunts and relatives, oblivious of our absence from your life…
I am often asked about the qualities that I have imparted to my children. I tell them that it is your mother who shouldered this great responsibility and I am ever so grateful to her for bringing you up to be the fine individuals you are. She communicated values more by action than by talking about them. She taught Rohan and you the importance of simplicity and austerity. There was this one instance, in Bangalore, when you were selected for a school drama for which you were required to wear a special dress. It was in the mid-eighties, Infosys had just begun its operations, and we did not have any money to spend on non-basic goods. Your mother explained to you that we would not be able to buy the dress and that you would have to drop out of the performance. Much later, you told me that you had not been able to understand or appreciate that incident. We realize it must have been a bit drastic for a child to forgo an important event in school, but, we know you learnt something important from that- the importance of austerity.
Life has changed for us since then and there is enough money. But, you know, our lifestyle continues to be simple. I remember discussing with your mother the issue of sending you kids to school by car once we were a little comfortable with money, but your mother insisted that Rohan and you go to school with your classmates in the regular autorickshaw. You made great friends with the ‘rickshaw uncle’ and had fun with the other kids in the auto. The simplest things in life are often the happiest and they are for free.
You would often ask me why there was no television at our home when the rest of your friends discussed stuff they watched on TV. Your mother decided early on that there would be no TV in Our home so that there would be time for things like studying, reading, discussions, and meeting friends. She insisted that it was important to create an environment conducive to learning at home. Therefore, every night we dedicated the time between 8 pm and 10 pm to pursuits that brought the family together in a productive environment. While Rohan and you did your schoolwork, your mother and I read books on History, Literature, Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering, or did any office work.
It is quite a well-known fact that when a daughter gets married, a father has mixed feelings about it. He hates the fact that there is somebody else in his daughter’s life with whom she shares her affections–a Smart, confident, younger man who gets the attention that was earlier his alone. I, too, was a little sad and jealous when you told us you had found your life partner. But when I met Rishi and found him to be all that you had described him to be-brilliant, handsome, and, most importantly, honest-l understood why you let your heart be stolen. It was then that I reconciled to sharing your affections with him. A few months ago, you made me a proud grandparent. If holding you in my arms for the first time gave me indescribable joy, seeing Krishnaa, your lovely daughter, for the first time at your home in Santa Monica, was a different experience altogether. I wondered, whether from now on, I would have to behave like a wise, grand old man! But, then I realized the bonus to growing older and becoming a grandparent. I would have the joy of pampering a child silly! Besides, you know what they say about grandparents and grandchildren having a common enemy-the parent! I am convinced Krishnaa and I will eventually exchange notes and crib about you and be completely on the same page when it comes to criticizing you!
As you pursue your goals and live a contended life, remember that there is only one planet for us to live in and that planet is now becoming endangered. Remember that it is your responsibility to pass on this planet to Krishnaa in a better condition than you got it from us.
Take care, my child!
Lovingly, Appa

संवत् वर्ष के प्रथम मास, चैत्र के आरम्भ से क्यों नहीं आरम्भ होता है ?

संवत् के सम्बन्ध में एक प्रश्न जो सामान्यतः बारम्बार उठता रहता है कि संवत् वर्ष के प्रथम मास, चैत्र के आरम्भ से क्यों नहीं आरम्भ होता है और इस माह के कृष्ण-पक्ष (उत्तर-पक्ष) की प्रतिपदा से ही क्यों होता है। इस सन्दर्भ में निम्न उल्लेखनीय है:-
१) नव-संवत् चन्द्रमा की उत्तरोत्तर बढ़ती कलाओं (कृष्ण-पक्ष) के प्रकाश के साथ ही आरम्भ होना श्रेयस्कर है न कि कृष्ण-पक्ष के उत्तरोत्तर बढ़ते तमस के साथ।
२) पुराणों में मान्यता है कि ब्रह्मा ने सृष्टि की रचना चैत्र की प्रतिपदा को ही की थी।
३) सूर्य इसी तिथि से राशिचक्र की प्रथम राशि 'मेष' में प्रवेश करते हुए राशिचक्र की यात्रा पुनः आरम्भ करता है।
© एन एल चतुर्वेदी (नगीना)

‪#‎कटपयादि_पद्धति‬ - © एन एल चतुर्वेदी (नगीना)

प्राचीन भारतीय गणितीय पद्धतियों में एक 'कटपयादि पद्धति' है जिसमें अंकों/संख्याओं को शब्दों और श्लोकों के माध्यम से व्यक्त किया जाता था। इस प्रकार व्यक्त संख्याओं को स्मरण रखने में बड़ी सुगमता होती थी। ऐसा करने का एक विशेष कारण यह भी था कि प्राचीन काल में वैज्ञानिक, गणितीय, खगोलीय आदि शास्त्र भी संस्कृत भाषा में पद्य में ही लिखे जाते थे और आवश्यकतानुसार संख्याओं के उल्लेख के लिए इस पद्धति का प्रतिपादन किया गया था।
इस पद्धति के अंतर्गत देवनागरी वर्णमाला के सभी व्यंजन वर्णों को 'क', 'ट', 'प' और 'य' चार वर्गों में रखा जाता है। स्मरण रहे कि ये वर्ग संस्कृत के उच्चारण-स्थान आधारित वर्ण-वर्गों से इस अर्थ में भिन्न हैं कि इनमें 'च' और 'त' वर्ग अलग से नहीं होते हैं अपितु वे स्वयं ('च' और 'त' वर्ग) क्रमशः 'क' और 'ट' वर्ग के ही आगे के वर्ण होते हैं। इस प्रकार दो-दो वर्गों को मिलाके ५ के स्थान पर १० वर्णीय २ वर्गों का निर्माण हो जाता है जो इस पद्धति के लिए आवश्यक है। वर्ग के प्रत्येक वर्ण का १ से लेकर क्रमशः ९ तक व ० (शून्य) का अंकीय मान निर्धारित होता है जैसे:-
क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञ
ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न
प फ ब भ म
य र ल व श ष स ह
१ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९ ०
इस पद्धति में स्वरों का भी अंकीय मान (मात्रा के रूप में न होकर स्वतन्त्र रूप में) 'ञ' व 'न' के सामान शून्य ही होता है। तथा मात्राओं एवं संयुक्त व्यंजन में अपूर्ण व्यंजन का कोई अंकीय मान नहीं होता है।
अब यदि शब्द 'राम' लिखा जाए तो इसका अंकीय मान उक्त तालिका के आधार पर '२५' होगा। अन्य शब्दों में, हम यह कह सकते हैं कि 'कटपयादि पद्धति' का अनुसरण करते हुए '२५' के अंक को 'राम' और 'खश' आदि शब्दों से व्यक्त किया जा सकता है।
विशेष: 'अंकानाम् वामतो गति' सिद्धांत का प्रयोग इस पद्धति में कहीं दिखता है और कहीं नहीं। इसके प्रयोग हेतु कोई स्पष्ट निर्देश नहीं देखा।
© एन एल चतुर्वेदी (नगीना)

‪#‎संशय_बनाम_संदेह‬ - © एन एल चतुर्वेदी (नगीना)

यों तो 'संशय' और 'संदेह', एक दुसरे के पर्याय ही हैं। किन्तु पर्यायों में भी एक शब्द, दूसरे शब्द का सर्वविध समानार्थी हो यह आवश्यक नहीं। साधारणतया, वे सर्वविध समानार्थी नहीं ही होते हैं। इसीलिए प्रत्येक परिस्थिति में पर्यायवाची दुसरे शब्द को पहले शब्द के स्थान पर स्थानापन्न नहीं किया जा सकता। अतएव, पर्यायवाची शब्दों में भी सूक्ष्म भेद होते हैं जो 'पर्यायकी' विषय की विषय-वस्तु है।
अब, सरल भाषा में, 'संशय' व 'संदेह' में भेद दृष्टव्य है। जहाँ 'संशय' विकल्पों के बीच 'अनिश्चितता' का बोधक, वहीं 'संदेह' भाव की वास्तविकता पर प्रश्न/अविश्वास का बोधक है। उदाहरणार्थ, गीता के कृष्ण-अर्जुन संवाद में अर्जुन संशय से ग्रस्त था। वह 'युद्ध करने' अथवा 'युद्ध न करने' के विकल्पों में उलझा था, अनिश्चित था, दोलायमान था। उसे दोनों विकल्पों के ही पक्ष-विपक्ष में तर्क दिख रहे थे और वह यह निश्चित नहीं कर पा रहा था कि कौनसा विकल्प निर्णायक तौर पर वरणीय था। इसके विपरीत, उसे कृष्ण की हितरक्षा, शिक्षा, धर्मपरायणता, मित्रता, ज्ञान, विवेक व परामर्श पर कोई प्रश्न अथवा अविश्वास नहीं था। वह ऐसा नहीं सोचता था कि कृष्ण किसी अन्य कूट उद्देश्य से उसे वह कराने को तत्पर करेगा जो कि वास्तव में अनुचित अथवा अधार्मिक होगा। उसे कृष्ण पर पूर्ण विश्वास ही नहीं अपितु आस्था थी।
आजकल हिंदीभाषी लोग, विडम्बनावश, हिन्दी की बातों को भी अँग्रेजी के माध्यम से अधिक सरलता से समझ लेते हैं। एतदर्थ, 'संशय' को 'equivocalness' व 'संदेह' को 'scepticism' समझा जा सकता है।
© एन एल चतुर्वेदी (नगीना)

‪#‎कौन_हूँ_मैं‬? - © एन एल चतुर्वेदी (नगीना)

आध्यात्मिक दृष्टि से कौन हूँ मैं? क्या मैं आस्तिक हूँ, जी नहीं। मैं निर्णायक तौर पर आस्तिक नहीं हूँ। तो क्या मैं नास्तिक हूँ, जी वह भी नहीं। मैं निर्णायक तौर पर नास्तिक भी नहीं हूँ। तब क्या मैं संशयवादी हूँ, जी यह भी नहीं। मैं निर्णायक तौर पर संशयवादी भी नहीं हूँ। तो क्या अज्ञेयवादी हूँ मैं, मेरा निवेदन है कि नहीं, मैं निर्णायक तौर पर अज्ञेयवादी भी नहीं हूँ।
तब मैं क्या हूँ? यह बिना निर्णय किए ही मैं कैसे कहूँ? मात्र समझाने के लिए, एक प्रकार से मैं थोड़ा आस्तिक हूँ, थोड़ा नास्तिक भी हूँ, थोड़ा संशयवादी भी हूँ और थोड़ा अज्ञेयवादी भी हूँ। क्योंकि आप लोगों को इन आध्यात्मिक दायरों में ही तो देखना जानते हैं, इनके बाहर तो आप किसी को देख ही नहीं पाते। तब भला इनके बाहर आपको कैसे समझाऊँ कि मैं वास्तव में क्या हूँ!
वर्तमान में तो मैं वस्तुतः मात्र यही कह सकता हूँ कि मैं किसी वाद का वादी अथवा प्रतिवादी नहीं हूँ, किसी विशेष बाढ़े में बंद पशु नहीं हूँ। मैं इन वादों से असम्बद्ध इस संसार में आया हूँ और आज भी असम्बद्ध ही हूँ; स्वतन्त्र आया हूँ और आज भी स्वतन्त्र ही हूँ; कोई बेड़ी या नकेल नहीं है। हाँ, सावधानी-पूर्वक स्वच्छंद नहीं हूँ, अनुशासन का महत्व मानता हूँ और स्थापित मानवीय-जीवन मूल्यों का अनुपालन निष्ठा से करता हूँ।
मैं अपनी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा का अविकल यात्री हूँ और अग्रसर हूँ। गंतव्य मिले अथवा न भी मिले, किन्तु यात्रा के आनन्द पर मेरा अकाट्य अधिकार है जिससे मैं आनन्दित रहता हूँ। यह यात्रा और इससे प्राप्त आनन्द ही मेरी ऊर्जा का अक्षय-श्रोत है। ऐसे भी कह सकता हूँ कि आज भी एक आध्यात्मिक विद्यार्थी हूँ और किसी अंतिम निर्णय पर नहीं पहुँचा हूँ। किन्तु विद्यारत हूँ। एक सत्य-शोधक हूँ और सत्य के शोध में सतत् सानन्द संलग्न हूँ।
मुझे यह कला आज तक नहीं आयी कि मैं किसी मत या वाद को बिना जाने-समझे ही मान लूँ। मैं पहले जानना-समझना चाहता हूँ, आश्वस्त होना चाहता हूँ, तभी किसी मत अथवा वाद को मान सकूँगा। मेरे मानने का आधार मेरी अपनी अनुभूति होगी। किसी अन्य की अनुभूति मेरी मान्यता का आधार कैसे हो सकती है! किसी और की भूमि, बीज, खाद, पानी, देख-रेख आदि में पैदा हुआ फल मेरा कैसे हो सकता है। विनिमय-बाजार में बिकने वाला तो यह फल है नहीं कि मैं इसे मात्र पैसा/वस्तु/सेवा देकर खरीद लाऊँ। यह तो सश्रम व सविवेक से उतपन्न करने योग्य फल है जिसकी विशुद्ध मिठास बिना इनके अनुभव नहीं की जा सकती।
बिना जाने-समझे अथवा स्व-अनुभूति के पूर्व ही लोग कैसे किसी मत/वाद को मान लेते हैं, मैं नहीं जानता। मुझे मेरा अपना बुद्धि-विवेक प्राप्त है, किस प्रयोजन? यदि मैं जीवन के इस सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण विषय के निर्णय में ही इनका उपयोग नहीं करूँगा तो कब करूँगा? इनका उपयोग न करूँ तो क्यों न करूँ? क्या बाध्यता-विवशता हो सकती है?
प्रश्न यह भी है कि मैं धार्मिक हूँ अथवा अधार्मिक? मैं निश्चित ही धार्मिक और अधार्मिक दोनों ही एक साथ हूँ। मैं मानव-धर्म का पुरजोर समर्थक हूँ और इस अर्थ मैं गहन धार्मिक हूँ। मैं मानव ही नहीं, प्रत्येक जीव व पदार्थ के प्रति धार्मिक हूँ, और यथा-संभव पूर्ण धार्मिक होना व बना रहना चाहता हूँ। किन्तु मैं साम्प्रदायिक अर्थों में अधार्मिक हूँ क्योंकि मैं किसी सम्प्रदाय विशेष की धार्मिक मान्यताओं से, चर्याओं से और कर्मकांड से सर्वथा निर्बंध हूँ।
मैं ऐसा हूँ और ऐसे होने से आनन्दित भी हूँ। यदि भविष्य में मुझमें कोई परिवर्तन आता है तो और भी अधिक आनन्दित हो सकूँगा, ऐसा विचारता हूँ।
© एन एल चतुर्वेदी (नगीना)

April 27, 2016

knowledge quotes from SRI SRI

When you have no control over your own mind, you cannot control somebody else’s mind. It is impossible! Just know one thing — whatever is yours will always be yours. Whatever moves away from you was never yours even before. If you know this, you will be at peace. And when you feel peaceful from within, then the whole world belongs to you. But if you are not peaceful, then however hard you try to own somebody, they will just slip away. That is why this spiritual knowledge is so essential, because it cannot only bring you the inner strength, but also makes youthe center of your universe. You will be so centered that everything will come to you naturally.

Q: Whenever I want to do something, I am stopped by the fear of what might come of it. I always fear the worst possible outcome. How do I stop this? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar :~~ Never mind. Take a deep breath in and know that only the best will happen to you. Take it as my word, that Gurudev has said only the best will happen to me.


An intense desire can either frustrate you or make you prayerful. In prayerfulness, there is gratitude & devotion.
When we relate from the level of vibrations, that is Aatmasamvadan - soul to soul communication, and only in this level of communication real knowledge dawns.
If you know that your superiors or seniors are not available, then you should use your common sense. You should be daring and courageous enough to take responsibility for the larger good of the people, and be ready to face the consequences.
Life is a continuous process of teaching you to “let go”. You are stuck in a traffic jam and your car is behind 50 other cars. There is no way you can go back or go forward and you are running out of time. You are upset. What do you do? You simply have to let go! 
जब आप लगातार सक्रिय रहते हो, एक पल ऐसा आता हैं जब आप कहते हो कि 'मुझे आराम करना हैं'। बिल्कुल यही मोक्ष हैं। मोक्ष मतलब आज़ादी - संसार के लगाव से, गतिविधियों से, मौज-मस्ती से और संवेदी सुख से। ध्यान आपको वो आज़ादी देता हैं।
Take decisions with a calm mind....!!
When you take decisions in restlessness, you get into trouble

Do something creative. Not a year should pass without doing something creative.
 When there is creativity, there is no need for resorting to unethical practices to run abusiness. By attending to the source of creativity, a successful enterprise can be built in an ethical manner. 

Our consciousness is the source of all creativity. That’s why itis very important for us to probe into the source of thought. Often we are called greatthinkers, but what is a thought? A thought is nothing but an impulse of energy andintelligence.

For a correct thought to arise, you need 16 impulses to meet at a point inthe cerebral cortex at the speed of 10 to the power of minus 30 cycles per second.

By training our brain, our mind, we can improve our thought process. This is verypertinent for mangers. Management begins with the mind, it happens in the mind.

When mind manages itself better, it can manage anything. Our mind is alwaysfocussed on what we want and we are busy wanting something all the time. Beforeone want vanishes, another comes up; they are in a queue!

 Every sincere seeker wants to get rid of anger and reach a state perfection, but isoften swept by his or her emotions. What can you do when anger rises in you?

You may remind yourself a hundred times that you shouldn’t get angry, but when themood comes, you are unable to control it. It comes like a thunderstorm. Emotions aremuch more powerful than your thoughts and the promises you make.

Anger is a distortion of our true nature and it doesn’t allow the Self to shine forthfully. The structure of human consciousness or mind is very similar to that of an atom.The positively charged protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom while thenegative charged particles are only on the circumference.
Similarly, in human consciousness, mind and life also, all the negativities and vices are only in the periphery.

Showing anger itself is not wrong, but being unaware of your anger only hurts you. Sometimes you can show anger purposefully.


April 25, 2016

Thoughs - 25/04/2016


Time Will Come!

Time Will Come!
Some one is still single.. Someone got married and 'waited' 10 yrs before having a child, there is another who had a baby within a year of marriage.
Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before securing a good job; and there is another who graduated at 27 and secured employment of their choice immediately!
Someone became CEO at 25 and died at 50 while another became a CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years.
Everyone works based on their 'Time Zone'
People can have things worked out only according to their pace. Work in your “time zone”.
Your Colleagues, friends, younger ones might "seem" to go ahead of you.
May be some might "seem" behind you.
Don't envy them or mock them, it's their 'Time Zone.'
You are in yours!
Hold on, be strong, and stay true to yourself. All things shall work together for your good. You’re not late … You are not early ... you’re very much On time!
Sri Sri

April 22, 2016

Ultimate Knowledge - Souls and Karmic Connections

Ultimate knowledge.....👇🏻
If you are able to understand it...u will never complain in life....

Souls and Karmic Connections
We have traveled through many lifetimes and lived with many different souls amid family, friends or those who don't really get along with us. Some may have even tried to harm us emotionally, physically or spiritually. All said and done. We all are the same and belong to only one group that is SOULS. We all have traveled together in different lifetimes and have shared various relationships with each other such as,

Drivers and
even so-called Enemies.

Each person is a Soul that tries to help the other move forward spiritually and reduce the Karmic baggage.

Sometimes the Soul that loves us the most, might willingly take birth as an enemy or a tormentor in a lifetime, just to help us work out our karma. Thus, a person, who we think hates us and we in return hate, might be our greatest well-wisher spiritually.

He or She may be responsible for our becoming spiritual or compassionate. That very person who is creating hell in our lives may bring us closer to spirituality. In the present lifetime, he/she may be doing so because that could be the only way to teach us a lesson.

Sometimes, a Soul is reborn just to comfort us and be there in times of need.

So, who is our friend and who is our enemy? They all are part of the Soul-Family who wants to help us and want help in return. Sometimes an opportunity comes in the form of a Disaster. Sometimes, the only way to grow spiritually and in life is through pain, sorrow and turmoil.

That is when Life seems strange.

Hence never form judgements, abuse or hate and never say nasty things about anyone. Who knows we may be harming the Soul who loves us the most spiritually but are not able to recognize it as the soul is wearing a different body in this particular lifetime.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

April 21, 2016



1. Body gets purified...

2. Breath gets purified...

3. Mind gets purified...

4. Intellect gets purified...

5. Memory gets purified...

6. Ego gets purified...

7. Self gets purified...

8. Food gets purified...

9. Wealth gets purified...

10. Feelings gets purified...
      by LOVE for ALL


Question & Answer with Guru Ji

Ques: In my personal I have stayed in my comfort zone for the past 10 years. I am too afraid and lazy to take risks. I would like get over it but there is a part of me that prefers to stay weak. Please advise.
#SriSri: No point in advising. No use. You have seen the situation, you can take whatever step you want to. You want to remain in comfort zone, do it. You want to take a step forward, do it. In either case, I am with you. If I give you an advice, and you cannot do it, then feel even more guilty, more problem, more sorry. I’m not going to get into this trap! What you cannot do, you don’t need to do it. What you can do, you want to do, you do it. And if you cannot do it and someone says you have to do it, then it becomes a huge problem for you, unnecessarily. Already you have this and then on top of it you’ll feel, ‘Oh, Gurudev wanted me to do this, I didn’t do it’. Why do you have to put yourself into that big a problem! I would like to play safe! I tell you, just relax. Things are happening and if you are lazy, you know it, you want to get out of it, just do it.

Ques: Please tell us the significance of being a Brahmachari.
#SriSri: Then you can do more. You have more energy, you can do more for the world. You can get more power, more freedom.

Ques: Are you more enlightened than what you were when you started the Art of Living?
#SriSri: Unfortunately not! I am the same, I have not changed. Incorrigible! I don’t think there is any scope in the future also! But now I know how to deal with people better, in that sense, yes. I never knew how to say no before. But now I have learnt how to say no. How to be a little more strict.

Ques: If everything is a play of consciousness, then what is the role that I have to play in this existence, what is the purpose?
#SriSri: What is the purpose of a stone? What is the purpose of water? What is the purpose of moon? What is the purpose of Sun? That is your purpose too. Relax! You just be like anyone of it. Moon does not think, what is my purpose, why do I go around the Earth. The Earth does not think, why do I go around the Sun, what is the purpose, creating all the seasons. You be like that. Then you are wise.

Ques: With today’s news of terrorist attack in Brussels, I am starting to feel that Europe is becoming an unsafe place. What can we do as teachers?
#SriSri: We have to de-radicalize the world. Today the only way appears to be is the spiritual knowledge in schools and colleges and madarasas. We need to de-radicalize our youth. Why would someone do suicide bombing? Because they have a temptation to get into heaven. These people think, the world is made by Allah, it belongs to Allah and these people, infidels, have no right to exist on the planet. So I will obey the command of Allah, I will obey Allah. He says, finish these infidels. If I do this, I will go to heaven, I will be happy and I will be rewarded. And this erroneous concept has got into the mind of these terrorists. If you see their eyes, from their angle, they are so justified in what they are doing. God created this planet and people who do not listen to His words have no right to exist on this planet. This is their loyalty. It’s like the loyal soldier or servant of a house saying, if you don’t listen to the Master of the house, you don’t have any right to be in the house. Like a security guard of a place, if you say this person violates the law, then he or she should be thrown out. And that is what these people think, I suppose. Why would someone blow themselves up and kill others? They must be thinking that this is giving them some merits. And it is pleasing the master, our God. Unless you set this thing right, you can’t help these people. In Brussels airport, 17 people were killed by suicide bomber. Let’s spread meditation and yoga. People who do yoga and meditation, whatever religion they follow, they will not become a terrorist, I tell you. It is impossible for a kind and happy, peaceful person to harm someone. Don’t you think so? This is what we need to do. Keep teaching meditation, meditation, meditation. Ok, you call your God, God or Allah or Ishwar or whatever you want to call, but remember that you are peace. This is what we all must teach. And they should know a little bit about all the traditions and religions of the world. Then they don’t think that only this book belongs to God. There was a scholar, a professor who was here last week, he said something very interesting to Me. He said, Prophet Mohammed said, ‘I am not from Hind, but Hind is in my heart’. And he also said, ‘I get this cool and sweet breeze from the East.’ I think what he meant by Hind is in my heart, is that the principles of Hind, like Ahimsa, non-violence, truth, spiritual values, because India was known for spirituality for centuries. For millennia. Even Hassan and Ali, they also said something very beautiful, they said that the first of wisdom was written in India, referring to the Vedas. And one them came to Pakistan. This spiritual knowledge we must reach out to people. One was the puritarian, ‘Oh because I belong to this religion, I don’t want to take anything else from any other religion.’ This is what one barrier that was created by some of the fundamentalists, don’t take anything from other religion. And second thing is, there was no effort from the spiritual leaders in India to reach out to them. There are two ways, these were very puritarian, on both sides. On one side they were no ready to welcome a new tradition on the other side people were not ready to share from their side. They said, you do your thing, I don’t want to share anything, I am happy with what I have. So people kept it to themselves. In fact they were too rigid. In Kashmir, the story goes that one man was forcefully converted and then he came to Benares and begged all pundits, ‘Please let me come back to knowledge, let me follow this knowledge, tradition, everything.’ They all refused, they said there is no way you can come back. He went back with such rage, he converted everybody in the valley on the point of a sword. History says all these things. So people were not ready to share on one side. That was a very big blunder that they did. And the society is so divided in caste system. So from this past, we learnt a lesson and we need to move ahead and de-radicalize people, this is what we need to do. And the only way is giving them an experience of peace, an experience of spiritual dimension.

Ques: How do we de-radicalize them?
#SriSri: There are many ways. Our experience in many places is that when we put them through kriya and meditations, something opens up in them. You know about the Al Qaeda man who was caught in Mumbai? It was all over the newspapers in the last decade. This man who came from Australia, with an agenda to bomb Westminister Abbey in London and bomb the London Tower and he was in jail. Our teacher went and taught him the Happiness Program, the Sudarshan Kriya. After that he gave an interview, ‘I thought I will go to heaven when I kill people, now I see heaven is right here!’ And his statement was, ‘I was completely under a different spell, now I feel the world is open in front of me.’ He was in all the newspapers, his interview was printed.

Ques: What can we do about the ISIS?
#SriSri: With the ISIS group I tried, I told them I want to have a dialogue. But they sent me a picture with a beheaded body. And they said this is the state in which we can have a dialogue, if you are ready you can come. If they said that thing then there is no question, they are not open to dialogue. But if someone puts them in jail, then we will take care of them! Then we will have the dialogue. We have taught many people in the forests in Kashmir Valley. Sanjay Bihari is here, he has done quite a bit of work the terrorists. He has gone and taught many radicals. Many have changed. Mawaheb has done a lot of work in Iraq and recently Tareekh went there, went to Egypt Sudan. He taught 3000 people in Iraq, all youth, even in a mosque. And they all had a great experience. This is what we should continue to do. When they get a taste of heaven here, through the doors of this beautiful knowledge, they wont go towards a radical mindset, suicide bombing. Let’s see what we can do. We keep doing what we can do, I think we are on right track. Yesterday I spoke to the Indian Ambassador in Syria there also some of our teacher in Lebanon are going there and teaching people in Syria. Manal is here from Egypt, she is also a great asset. She has to face a lot challenges, but still she went ahead and teaches. And even our Lebanese group, Dana from Lebanon, Chris Mata, I think our Middle East teachers have a lot more responsibility. Ajay and Kamal are working on all those these challenges. In Muscat the government has sponsored programs for youth, 120 youth over 3 programs, government sponsored where we teach them yoga, inner peace, meditation. We have a lot to do. Our teachers from Pakistan are doing a good job in Pakistan, Hussein and Naeem and all other teachers. Mexico also they taught youths there, thousands of youth who were in violence and drugs. When I was in Mexico, there were many members of Parliament who were there. Each of these members from Mexico wanted the program to be conducted in their constituency, the impact they saw in the places where they did our program for youth, was so good, so transformative! In Dominican Republic, 300 kids lives are transformed. Some of you should write some article about it, put them in our social media and newspapers. People should know about it. But one thing I want to tell you, these things happen on the outside. These concerns, don’t let it get into your heart, your mind. Keep your mind hollow and empty. Because like waves in the ocean, these sort of things keep happening in the world and we keep dealing with it. Don’t let it get into you otherwise you will become weaker.⁠⁠

Q: Please tell us about “Holi”.

Q: Please tell us about “Holi”.

Sri Sri: The 'Holi' festival is a very fun-filled and popular occasion in India. People play holi with Chandan and colored water. This festival is celebrated around early March each year. People believe that the bright colors represent energy, life and joy. Huge bonfires are also burnt in the evening and people worship the fire.

There is a famous story associated with the festival:
An asura king, Hiranyakashyap, wanted everyone to worship him. But his son Prahalad was a devotee of Lord Narayana, the king's sworn enemy. Angry, the king wanted Holika, his sister to get rid of Prahalad. Empowered to withstand fire; Holika sat on a burning pyre holding Prahalad on her lap. But it was Holika who was burnt, Prahalad came out unharmed. Hiranyakashyap symbolizes one who is gross. Prahalad embodies innocence, faith and bliss/joy. The spirit cannot be confined to love material only. Hiranyakashyap wanted all the joy to come from the material world. It did not happen that way. The individual jivatma cannot be bound to the material forever. It’s natural to eventually move towards Narayana, one's higher self. Holika stands for the past burdens that try to burn Prahalad's innocence. But Prahlad, so deeply rooted in Narayana Bhakthi could burn all past impressions (sanskaras) and joy springs up with new colors. Life becomes a celebration. Burning the past, you gear up for a new beginning. Your emotions, like fire, burn you. But when there is a fountain of colors, they add charm to your life. In ignorance, emotions are a bother; in knowledge, the same emotions add colors.
Each emotion is associated with a color - Anger with red, jealousy with green, vibrancy and happiness with yellow, love with pink, vastness with blue, peace with white, sacrifice with saffron and knowledge with violet.
Lift Your Spirit with Joy of Color. Knowing the essence of the festival, enjoy the day with Wisdom.

प्रश्न : ईश्वर क्या है?

प्रश्न : ईश्वर क्या है?

श्री श्री रवि शंकर : एक उपनिषद में ईश्वर का बहुत सुन्दर वर्णन है। एक बार एक लड़का अपने पिता के पास गया और पूछा - ईश्वर क्या है?पिता ने उत्तर दिया ‘भोजन ईश्वर है, क्योंकि भोजन से सबका पालन होता है।’ तो बालक गया और कई महिनों तक इसके बारे में सोचा, भोजन के बारे में सब कुछ समझा और अपने पिता के पास वापिस लौटकर फिर पूछा ‘ईश्वर क्या है?’
पिता ने कहा ‘प्राण ईश्वर है|’ लड़का गया, चिंतन किया, प्राण के बारे में सबकुछ समझा कि कैसे प्राण उर्जा शरीर के अंदर और बाहर आ-जा रही है, प्राण कितने प्रकार के होते हैं और प्राण से सम्बंधित सभी प्रयोगों को पढ़ा| वह पुनः अपने पिता के पास लौटा और पूछा ‘ईश्वर क्या है?’
पिता ने बच्चे का तेजस्वी चेहरा देखा और कहा ‘मन ब्रह्म है, मन ईश्वर है' | पहले की तरह लड़का चला गया और तब तक मनन किया जब तक कि उसने अंतिम परमानंद (bliss) को नहीं प्राप्त कर लिया|
बच्चे ने अपने पिता से कभी शिकायत नहीं की कि उसे बताया गया था कि ‘भोजन ईश्वर है',लेकिन यह परम सत्य नहीं है। वह
उत्तर को समझकर वापिस आया और प्रश्न को पुनः पूछा| यह शिक्षा की प्राचीन विधि रही - एक
कदम से अगले कदम पर लेजाने की।
पहले भोजन, फिर प्राण, फिर मन, फिर अंतरात्मा, फिर परम ब्रह्म-परमानंद|

परमानंद ही देवत्व है| तुम्हारा अस्तित्व आकाश की तरह सर्व व्यापक है| फिर पिता ने बच्चे से कहा ‘तुममें, मुझमें और अनंत आत्मा में कोई अंतर नहीं है| हम सब एक हैं| स्वयं, गुरु और शाश्वत ऊर्जा अलग-अलग नहीं हैं| सभी एक ही तत्त्व से बने हैं| यदि तुम उन वैज्ञानिकों से बात करो, जो string theory यां परमाणु भौतिकी (quantum physics) पढ़ते हैं, वे वही कहेंगे, जो उपनिषदों में कहा गया है| उपनिषदों में यह हज़ारों साल पहले कहा गया था ‘ईश्वर स्वर्ग में कहीं बैठा हुआ कोई व्यक्ति नहीं है, अपितु वह हर जगह मौजूद है| वह सर्वव्यापी (omnipresent) और सर्वशक्तिमान (omnipotent) है| वह है और उसकी शक्ति से तुम भी बने हो, प्रत्येक चीज़ बनी है|'

🙏🏻 जय गुरुदेव 🙏🏻

Whats is Tarka, Vitarka And Kutarka ?

Tarka, Vitarka And Kutarka

To know yourself or to judge your actions you need to know Tarka, Vitarka and Kutarka.

Kutarka is wrong logic. Most people apply this logic and get caught up in ignorance. For example : The door is half open means the door is half closed. Therefore, the door is fully open means the door is fully closed!

Or: God is Love. Love is Blind. Therefore, God is Blind!!!

Tarka is sequential logical understanding; it increases scientific knowledge. When sequential logical understanding changes, then scientific conclusions change. For example: Pesticides and antibiotics were considered to be very useful in the past, and are now proven to be more harmful. In tarka, the paradigm changes.

Vitarka is asking questions to which there are no evident answers....Who am I? Where am I? What do I really want? These philosophically appealing questions bring forth spiritual knowledge, increase your awareness and bring about the blossoming of Consciousness, i.e., Atma Gyan increases.

The wise know to distinguish between the three. They will not apply kutarka or tarka for vitarka, and vitarka for tarka.

A Guru-Sishya conversation.

A Guru-Sishya conversation.

The sishya who doesn't believe in God, asked his Guru thus:
"Does God accept our 'neivedhyam'? If God eats away the 'prasadham' then from where can we distribute it to others? Does God really consume the 'prasadham', Guruji?"

The Guru did not say anything. Instead, asked the student to prepare for classes.

That day, the Guru was teaching his class about the 'upanishads'. He taught them the 'mantra': "poornamadham, poornamidham, poornasya poornaadaaya...." and explained that: 'every thing came out from "Poorna or Totality." (of ishavasya upanishad).

Later, everyone was instructed to practice the mantra by-heart. So all the boys started praciting. After a while, the Guru came back and asked that very student who had raised his doubt about Neivedya to recite the mantra without seeing the book, which they did.

Now the Guru gave a smile and asked this particular sishya who didn't believe in God: 'Did each of you really by-heart everything as it is in the book? The sishya said: "yes Guruji, I've recited whatever is written as in the book.

The Guru asked: "If you have taken every word into your mind then how come the words are still there in the book? He then explained:

"The words in your mind are in the SOOKSHMA STHITI (unseen form). The words in the book are there in the STOOLASTHITI (seen).

God too is in the 'sooksma sthiti'. The offering made to Him is done in 'stoola sthiti'. Thus, God takes the food in 'sookshmam'. Hence the food doesn't become any less in quantity.

While GOD takes it in the sookshma sthiti, we take it as 'prasadam' in 'stoola sthiti'.

Hearing this the sishya felt guilty for his disbelief in God and surrendered himself to his GURU.

सोचिये - वर्तमान देश के हालातों पर एक लेख

दूसरों की दुखती रगों को छेड़कर कोई समाज आगे नही बढ़ सकता.
जेएनयू का जहाँ नाम आएगा तो बात सोशल इंजीनियरिंग की नहीं होगी. बात नक्सलियों पर आकर रुक जायेगी.
नाम राहुल गाँधी का आयेगा तो एक तबका बहस को इटली की तरफ मोड़ देगा.
चर्चा मोदी पर होगी तो बात दंगो तक पहुंचेगी.
संघ का राग शुरू कीजिये तो हाफ पेंट से लेकर गोडसे का जिक्र होगा.
और महात्मा गाँधी को काउंटर करना हो तो ब्रह्मचर्य से लेकर बिरला तक की दंत कथाओं में बहस उलझ जाएगी.
नज़र सबकी खामियों पर है किसी की खूबी पर नहीं.

इस देश में दलित का मतलब कोटा,
मुसलमान का मतलब पाकिस्तान,
ब्राह्मण का मतलब मनु,
बनिए का मतलब लाला,
कश्मीरी यानि अलगाव वादी और
नार्थ ईस्ट का मतलब चिंकी है .....
नेपाली ..सबके लिए बहादुर हो गया  है
और बहादुर कहा जाने वाला ठाकुर ...अगर रसूखदार है तो फ्यूडल हो गया है.
इसाई कनवर्टेड है और
शिया ..संघ के मुखबिर.

हर जात हर पात की कमियां और खामियां हमारी जुबान पर है.
फर्क इतना है कि कुछ लोग अनायास सामने बोल देते हैं और बाकी पीठ पर.
आप क्या करते हैं इसकी कमजोरियां भी आपसे छिपाई नहीं जाती, और मौके पर आपकी वही कमज़ोर नस दबाई जाती है.

पत्रकार हैं तो दलाल बोल देंगे...
पुलिस वाले हैं तो ठुल्ला हैं,
सरकार में हैं तो करप्ट.
प्रेक्टिसिंग डाक्टर हैं तो लुटेरे हैं
और PWD के ठेकेदार हैं तो गुंडा हैं.
अगर  मॉडल या एंकर या होस्टेस या रिसेप्शनिस्ट या जवान नेताईन या यंग डाईवोरसी हैं फिर तो खैर नही.

ऐसी  सोच हम भले ही सार्वजनिक तौर पर ढक लें पर भीतर ही भीतर ये सोच हमारे समाज को एक निगेटिव सिंड्रोम डिसऑर्डर में ले जा रही है. और 70 साल के बाद ये डिसऑर्डर घटा नही और बढ़ा है.

दलितों ने patholgically सवर्णों को एंटी दलित मान लिया है.
ब्राह्मण अब तक खुद को चाणक्य मान रहे हैं.
ठाकुर की अपनी बेचैनियाँ हैं.
मुसलमान किसी हिन्दू बस्ती में रहना नहीं चाहते ..भले ही कोई मकान किराये पर देना भी चाहे.
उधर लेफ्ट को राईट (संघ) की नेकर उतारे बगैर चैन नहीं है.
मोदी की बीजेपी देश में कांग्रेस मुक्त भारत चाहती है.
सोनिया की कांग्रेस को हर कीमत पर सत्ता चाहिए.
दोनों को एक दूसरे की खूबी नहीं दिखती.
दोनों एक दूसरे की दुखती रग  पकड़कर आगे बढ़ रहे.
ये एक निगेटिव सिंड्रोम है और देश इसमें जी कर फंसकर आगे नहीं बढ़ सकता है.

कोई क्यूँ नही बताता कि हम बिखर रहे हैं.
हम एक दूसरे से अलग हो रहे हैं.
हमारा  समाज डिब्बों में बंद होता जा रहा है.
दादरी के डिब्बे में.
जेएनयू के डिब्बे में.
जिन डिब्बों को जुड़कर रेल बनना चाहिए था वो डिब्बे अलग होकर पटरी से उतर रहे हैं.

लेफ्ट ..एक्सट्रीम लेफ्ट हो रहा है.
राईट ..एक्सट्रीम राईट ...
और शायद सेंटर.. आउट हो गया है.
मित्रों सोचियेगा...
कुछ देर इन बंद डिब्बों के बारे में ...
गरेबान में झांकियेगा कहीं आप तो किसी डिब्बे में सीलबंद नहीं हैं.


आज रामनवमी है | रा का अर्थ है प्रकाश, और म का अर्थ है मैं | राम का अर्थ है “ मेरे भीतर का प्रकाश” राम का जन्म दशरथ और कौशल्या के यहां हुआ था | दशरथ का अर्थ है “दस रथ” | दस रथ पांच इन्द्रियों और पांच ज्ञान और कृत्य को दर्शाता है |(उदाहरण के लिये; प्रजनन,पैर,हाथ इत्यादि) कौशल्या का अर्थ है ‘कौशल’ | अयोध्या का अर्थ है, “ऐसा समाज जहां कोई हिंसा नहीं है” जब आप कुशलतापूर्वक इसका अवलोकन करते है, कि आपके शरीर के भीतर क्या प्रवेश कर रहा है,आपके भीतर प्रकाश का भोर हो रहा है |यही ध्यान है| आपको तनाव को मुक्त करने के लिए कुछ कौशल की आवश्यता होती है | फिर आपका फैलाव होने लगता है |

आपको पता है आप अभी यहां पर है फिर भी आप यहां पर नहीं है |इस एहसास से, कि कुछ प्रकाश तुरंत आता है | जब भीतर के प्रकाश मे चमक आ जाती है तो वह राम है | सीता जो मन/बुद्धि है, उसे अहंकार(रावण) ने चुरा लिया था | रावण के दस मुख थे | रावण (अहंकार) वह था, जो किसी की बात नहीं सुनता था | वह अपने सिर(अहंकार) मे ही उलझा रहता था | हनुमान का अर्थ श्वास है | हनुमान (श्वास) के सहायता से सीता(मन) अपने राम (स्त्रोत्र) के पास जा सकी |

रामायण ७,५०० वर्ष पूर्व घटित हुई |उसका जर्मनी और यूरोप और पूर्व के कई देशो पर प्रभाव पड़ा | हजारों से अधिक नगरों का नामकरण राम से हुआ |जर्मनी मे रामबौघ,इटली मे रोम का मूल राम शब्द मे ही है | इंडोनेशिया, बाली और जापान सभी रामायण से प्रभावित हुये |वैसे तो रामायण इतिहास है परन्तु यह एक ऐसी अनंत घटना है,जो हर समय घटित होती रहती है |

रामनवमी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ⁠⁠[15:

Q: Have you seen anyone in The Art of Living get enlightenment?

Q: Have you seen anyone in The Art of Living get enlightenment?

Sri Sri : Yes, there are many who have this experience -- they feel something and it starts happening. They have the ability to love everyone and be a nobody.

You don’t have to label yourself that 'I am enlightened, I am enlightened', not at all! If you want enlightenment, the first thing you need to remember is total detachment from all that you see, good or bad. Do you still want enlightenment? Are you ready for it? For enlightenment you need to have total detachment because it is your desire which is the only thing that blocks you from enlightenment. The moment you drop all that and say, "I want nothing and I am nothing", that moment you realize that all the forms and names are nothing, they are all like waves in the ocean; the wave is nothing but the ocean. This conviction is enlightenment. The sea is there, the sun is there, the moon is there and like that I too am here, that is it. Going beyond time is enlightenment. Not being constrained by space is enlightenment. Realizing you are love, everything else is love, that is enlightenment. Being so natural and feeling at home with everyone because there is no other, is enlightenment.

The first disciple of Lord Buddha said, "I will wait till the last person gets enlightened, I don’t want to have it now", because he knew he could have it any time. It is his compassion for everyone that he said, "I will see everyone through and only then I will have it". Have you heard about this? That is what Bodhisattva said, "I want to see everyone out of misery and then I will attain enlightenment".
That one desire that 'I want to help everybody' was stopping him from being enlightened. That is why it is said, "Buddha is okay but Bodhisattva is one step higher", because he has compassion to take care of everyone. That is what the teachers do, they don’t go looking whether they get enlightenment or not, they simply bring happiness in peoples' lives!

When all that you see in this world does not interest you, does not provoke you and does not disturb you then a totally different world opens up. It is very subtle! This universe has many layers -- one inside the other, theNre are multiple layers in this universe. But our mind is stuck on one, that is why I said today that the mind should be free from getting stuck in one direction.

From Rajita Kulkarni's Blog on Guruji @ WCF :

From Rajita Kulkarni's Blog on Guruji @ WCF :

The Complete Master & The Perfect Leader

The World Culture Festival was grand, glorious and global like nothing else I have experienced. It came with its challenges and left with its charm. Cultures united, humanity celebrated and people meditated. Anyone who participated in person or virtually was left with memories that will
last over lifetimes! Thousands of volunteers of the Art of Living Foundation across 155 countries of the world, worked with passion and perseverance to put together an event unprecedented & unparalleled in history. Their inspiration - the vision of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji of reviving the values of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam; A One World Family! They braved every weather and overcame every obstacle. They experienced new heights of their own abilities and tenacity.

The World Culture Festival enabled humanity to experience what more, what else and what new it was capable of! Gurudev led this incredible event from the front - and how! From the minutest detail to the biggest decision, he was available and involved. His leadership of this event is why it was successful and surreal. Watching Gurudev in action is the biggest blessing. This time watching him lead this event unveiled aspects of his personality that reinforce why he is the true global humanitarian leader of our times. He modeled leadership qualities that cannot be taught and learnt - only imbibed. Here are a few I tried to.

1) A Grand Vision

The whole scale and scope of the World Culture Festival was impossible for any of us to comprehend - 3.75 million people, 36000 performers, 155 countries, 40 dance performances,7 acres of stage,Inter Faith meet, Global Leadership Forum.. all this in 3 days? It was only Gurudev who was clear, confident and calm about it! He was sure it was possible ( and it was! ) and he tirelessly used every single opportunity to communicate this grand vision to every individual, group or country he met or spoke to. All of us, our partners, vendors, contractors and artists were all united by this one grand vision. Gurudev’s conviction was infectious and inspiring. It pushed us ahead when things went well and picked us up when they were challenging.

What we can imbibe - The vision of a leader can shape the reality of the future

2) Complete Ownership & 100 % Responsibility

Gurudev took complete ownership of every aspect of the event. Simplest to the most complex. Tiny to important. Even as the location of WCF was allotted to us by DDA, Gurudev took ownership to even clean the Yamuna, because its stink would render it impossible to be used. It was unfortunate to see how some sections of the media distorted and misrepresented many facts about our use of the floodplains. During the days leading to WCF, when the noise in the media was the loudest, Gurudev took it upon himself to answer every single question, respond to every allegation and assuage every doubt. For all of us,it was humbling yet energising to see his relentless sincerity of effort. What could have been a tough, challenging time for us, proved to be a new milestone in our individual abilities ! He even stayed back after the event to oversee the clean up of the venue- if thats not 100% responsibility, what is?

What we can imbibe - When a leader takes ownership & responsibility, the team becomes capable of the impossible.

3) Accessibility, Availability, Adaptibility

Gurudev could easily be the most busy person in the world ! Yet he was always accessible and available for us. Planning and executing an event like this needed thousands of decisions, coordination across time zones and complex matrices of transnational teams. No matter what time of the day or night, Gurudev was only a phone call/email away! Sometimes he was more available to us, than we were to our teams ! Also, every day new things had to be done, old had to be changed. He was so adaptable and ready for change that it would surprise us sometime! When the Prime Minister’s security demanded a separate stage for him, an unfazed and unshaken Gurudev calmly advised a new stage be made - done in 8 hours !

What we can imbibe - The 3 As directly impact leadership success

4) Courage of a Warrior

This time, I saw the warrior side of Gurudev in glorious resplendence! I have experienced his courageous stand on issues and incidents many times before, but this time it was something else! Whether it was standing up to the onslaught of some sections of media or holding ground on our stance wrt the NGT, whether it was braving the hailstorm or international opinion, whether it was battling intermittent disappointment or overcoming big challenges - He was courage personified !!! When I was standing on the stage built for the PM on day 1 and watched him walk to the stage alone - through the slush, rain & hail pelting down heavily, I almost felt he may slip. But no, drenched to the bone, he walked right royally, with every cell of his being radiating strength and willpower. His gait and look melted the tiny tear in my eye into a bright sunny smile!

What we can imbibe - A courageous leader is an inspiration by herself

5) Compassion and Care of a Parent

One would think, that a leader who has embarked almost on the impossible, must be goading his people to work more, harder & longer. Not Gurudev. The one thing I would always hear him telling anyone who looked or sounded little stretched, was to relax, rest and take care. His most common reassurance - You relax, everything will happen. None of us felt overloaded or overburdened. He resolved interpersonal conflicts delicately, comforted caringly and forgave mistakes compassionately! Sensitive to the core, everyone felt looked after. On the night of the 1st day of WCF,  I went to Gurudev's room to ask him some advice for the Global Leadership Forum starting next morning. I realised he was having dinner, so turned around to leave. Without turning his back, he called out, "Rajita, Have you eaten dinner?" When I replied yes, he went on to ask the menu, if it was too spicy for our international guests, did everyone eat and finally served few people in the room from his own food ! The examples are a million to espouse his ability to care for his people. I can write a whole piece on that alone!

What we can imbibe - When you care as a leader, your team rejoices

6) Enthusiasm, Pride and Humility

This event yet again was a testimony to the fact that Gurudev is the epitome of enthusiasm! The whole World Culture Festival was turbo charged by the energy of his  enthusiasm for every aspect of its success. Keen appreciation of every members contribution, celebration of milestones and making you feel like a queen for doing something quite tiny - all hallmarks of his generous enthusiasm.Pride in the organisation, pride in his people, pride in what he stands for - experienced it in a totally new way! All this combined with pristine humility- quite a potent combination. Watching him  interact with heads of states, faith leaders, artists, guests - host them, greet them and serve them, was humbling to say the least

What we can imbibe - An enthusiastic, proud, humble leader - an unshakable force.

7) Undeniable Divinity

Hail storm, rainbow, gushes of winds and sharp sunshine - all in a couple of days! Hundreds of thousands got wet for over 5-6 hours- no one fell sick! Thousands of dancers danced in perfect synchrony without practice! People of all faiths, all religions, all colours came together and celebrated !

Just the fact that World Culture Festival happened is proof of Gurudev’s unrestrained, unmistakable, undeniable Divinity !

Today as I watched him walk humbly and gracefully towards the President of the Republic of India to receive his Padma Vibhushan award, my throat choked with emotion and heart swelled with pride. The complete master, the perfect leader and  a superlative human being was being celebrated and honoured! It was our good fortune more than his!

What is Prayer?

I liked this interpretation of prayer

 What is Prayer?

Prayer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put hands together and focus and expect things from God


Thinking positive and wishing good for others - That is prayer

When you hug a friend - That's  a prayer

When you cook something to nourish family and friends-  That's a prayer

When we send off our near and dear ones and say 'Drive Safely' or 'Be Safe'- That's prayer

When you are helping someone in need by giving your time and energy - You are praying

When you forgive some one by your heart ...that is prayer.

Prayer is a Vibration- A feeling - A thought.

Prayer is the voice of love, friendship, genuine relationships.

Q: Every year, we begin the New Year wishing others happiness and prosperity. What is the sign of prosperity?

Q: Every year, we begin the New Year wishing others happiness and prosperity. What is the sign of prosperity?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The sign of prosperity is freedom, a smile and the willingness to share with people around you, without fear. The sign of prosperity is the trust and confidence that you will get whatever is needed in life.
When the New Year arrives wish everyone with a sankalpa (intention) for peace and prosperity for all the people on the planet. With the economic meltdown, looming terrorism, with floods and famine around, do more selfless service. Realize that our foremost priority is to check violence in the world, to free the world from domestic and societal violence. Make a resolution to do more good to society, help the people who are in need and bring solace to those who are suffering. Take responsibility for the nation.
The spiritual dimension of life brings a great sense of belongingness, responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole world, for the whole humanity. The spiritual dimension, in the truest form, smashes the narrow boundaries of caste, creed, religion and nationality and gives one a broader awareness of life present everywhere.
This year, let your devotion flower. Give it a chance to work. We should experience the divine’s presence, the divine’s light around us. You should have a desire in your mind to experience this. Has such a desire ever risen in you - that you want the highest peace? The whole world is running by this divine light. When you sing or pray there should be total involvement. If the mind is preoccupied elsewhere then that is no prayer at all.
You are like a free bird. You are fully open. Feel that you are flying like a bird. Learn to fly. This is something which you have to experience within yourself. There is nothing else. If you consider yourself as bonded, you will remain bound here. Be free. When will you experience freedom? Become free right now. Sit down and become content. Spend some time in meditation and satsang so that your inner self becomes strong enough to deal with the challenges.⁠⁠[1

A rare conversation between Krishna & Today's Arjun

A rare conversation between Krishna & Today's Arjun.  Read it loud to family,
it's one of  the best message I have come across...

1. Arjun :- I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic.

Krishna:- Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you free.

2. Arjun :- Why has life become complicated now?

 Krishna :- Stop analyzing life... It makes it complicated. Just live it.

3. Arjun :- Why are we then constantly unhappy?

Krishna :- Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.

4. Arjun :- Why do good people always suffer?

Krishna :- Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don’t suffer.
With that experience their life becomes better, not bitter.

5. Arjun :- You mean to say such experience is useful?

Krishna :- Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. It gives the test first and the lessons later.

6. Arjun :- Because of so many problems, we don’t know where we are heading…

Krishna:- If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Eyes provide sight. Heart provides the way.

7. Arjun :- Does failure hurt more than moving in the right direction?

Krishna:- Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.

8. Arjun :- In tough times, how do you stay motivated?

Krishna :- Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.

9. Arjun :- What surprises you about people?

Krishna :- When they suffer they ask, "why me?" When they prosper, they never ask "Why me?"

10. Arjun :- How can I get the best out of life?

Krishna:- Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.

11. Arjun :- One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.

Krishna:- There are no unanswered prayers. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

 Stay Happy and Blessed.....

बाज से सीखिए जीवन जीना

बाज़ से....

बाज लगभग 70 वर्ष जीता है
परन्तु अपने जीवन के 40वें वर्ष में आते-आते उसे एक महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लेना पड़ता है ।

उस अवस्था में उसके शरीर के
3 प्रमुख अंग निष्प्रभावी होने लगते हैं ...
पंजे लम्बे और लचीले हो जाते है, तथा शिकार पर पकड़ बनाने में अक्षम होने लगते हैं ।

चोंच आगे की ओर मुड़ जाती है,
और भोजन में व्यवधान उत्पन्न करने लगती है ।

पंख भारी हो जाते हैं, और सीने से चिपकने के कारण पूर्णरूप से खुल नहीं पाते हैं, उड़ान को सीमित कर देते हैं ।

भोजन ढूँढ़ना, भोजन पकड़ना,
और भोजन खाना .. तीनों प्रक्रियायें अपनी धार खोने लगती हैं ।

उसके पास तीन ही विकल्प बचते हैं....
1. देह त्याग दे,
2. अपनी प्रवृत्ति छोड़ गिद्ध की   तरह त्यक्त भोजन पर निर्वाह करे !!
 या फिर
3. "स्वयं को पुनर्स्थापित करे" !!
आकाश के निर्द्वन्द एकाधिपति के रूप में.

जहाँ पहले दो विकल्प सरल और त्वरित हैं,
अंत में बचता है तीसरा लम्बा और अत्यन्त पीड़ादायी रास्ता ।

बाज चुनता है तीसरा रास्ता ..
और स्वयं को पुनर्स्थापित  करता है ।

वह किसी ऊँचे पहाड़ पर जाता है, एकान्त में अपना घोंसला बनाता है ..
और तब स्वयं को पुनर्स्थापित करने की प्रक्रिया प्रारम्भ करता है !!

सबसे पहले वह अपनी चोंच चट्टान पर मार मार कर तोड़ देता है,

चोंच तोड़ने से अधिक पीड़ादायक कुछ भी नहीं है पक्षीराज के लिये !

और वह प्रतीक्षा करता है
चोंच के पुनः उग आने का ।

उसके बाद वह अपने पंजे भी उसी प्रकार तोड़ देता है,
और प्रतीक्षा करता है ..

पंजों के पुनः उग आने का ।

नयी चोंच और पंजे आने के बाद वह अपने भारी पंखों को एक-एक कर नोंच कर निकालता है !

और प्रतीक्षा करता है ..
पंखों के पुनः उग आने का ।

150 दिन की पीड़ा और प्रतीक्षा के बाद ...

मिलती है वही भव्य और ऊँची उड़ान पहले जैसी....

इस पुनर्स्थापना के बाद
वह 30 साल और जीता है ....

ऊर्जा, सम्मान और गरिमा के साथ ।

इसी प्रकार इच्छा, सक्रियता और कल्पना, तीनों निर्बल पड़ने लगते हैं हम इंसानों में भी !

हमें भी भूतकाल में जकड़े
अस्तित्व के भारीपन को त्याग कर कल्पना की उन्मुक्त उड़ाने भरनी होंगी ।

150 दिन न सही.....
60 दिन ही बिताया जाये
स्वयं को पुनर्स्थापित करने में !

जो शरीर और मन से चिपका हुआ है, उसे तोड़ने और
नोंचने में पीड़ा तो होगी ही !!

और फिर जब बाज की तरह उड़ानें भरने को तैयार होंगे ..

इस बार उड़ानें और ऊँची होंगी,
अनुभवी होंगी, अनन्तगामी होंगी ।

हर दिन कुछ चिंतन किया जाए
और आप ही वो व्यक्ति हे
जो खुद को दुसरो से बेहतर जानते है ।

सिर्फ इतना निवेदन की निष्पक्षता के साथ छोटी-छोटी शुरुवात कर परिवर्तन करने की ।

विचार कर जीवन में आत्मसात कर लेने वाला है यह संदेश.....

Knowledge Sheet by SRI SRI RAVISHANKER

Everyone who gets angry has some justification for their anger. They think that they are correct. Anger is good, but only to wake you up. After that, it needs to be given a direction of creativity, otherwise the same anger can burn you. It is good to have a stove at home, to have fire in the house, but the house should not be on fire. Become soft from inside. This is the skill. Getting rid of people and things is not the answer, but dealing with them with skill is the answer.
When do you get aggressive? When you feel that the situation, person, people are beyond your control, or you feel that it is not possible. Or when you feel that you are smaller than the situation, then you become aggressive.
The way to make relationships long lasting is through right perception, right observation and right expression. Often people say that nobody understands them. Instead of this you can say that you have not expressed yourself properly. To express yourself properly, you need proper perception and that can happen when you see the situation wearing the other person's shoes. For that, you need right observation. The whole life is a lesson of just these three things: perception, observation, and expression.

Attachment is when you want something in return. If you love and do not want anything in return, then that love doesn't turn into attachment.
What is the purpose of Sadhana (spiritual practices)?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
To be yourself!
When prana level is low - you feel upset, angry, dejected and not so good. When prana level is even lower - you feel life is not worth living. When prana level is normal - you feel yourself, like a normal human being. When prana is a little higher than normal - you feel more creative, enthusiastic, and joyful. And if it is even higher, you realize something much deeper.
Sadhana is meant to increase this prana level in you. If your prana level is constantly high - then you don’t need to do sadhana - that is what is enlightenment; your optimum prana.
I remember an elderly gentleman, some 40 years back, asked me, "Are you tired? You must be tired!"
There was an 86 years old gentleman with me, he pounced on the person, suddenly saying, "Come on! A yogi will not get tired!" That is true! Tiredness is when our senses go outward; the moment the senses start turning inward, we are tapping into the eternal source of energy....


Thought For The Day
"Life is like Riding a Bicycle." "To keep your Balance, you must keep moving." "The only thing in life that you have Absolute control over is your Attitude."
"Understand the Power of Discipline."
If you think something is a bondage, it becomes a bondage. If you consider it as service or seva, it will not feel like bondage. If someone tells you, you have to do this work, then it seems like a bondage, but if you do on your own and if you do it with your heart then you will keep doing it.

In our ashram, we have to tell some people to get some rest. We have to tell a lot of them to take rest as they put in their heart and soul. And there are some people who don’t do anything. So we cannot have the same solution for everyone. For some people, we have to tell them to do some work, and for some we have to tell them to stop and relax a bit.

The mind is the reason for the bondage, and mind is the reason for liberation. If your mind is happy, doing anything gives you pleasure. But if your mind is upset and heavy, then nothing seems to create an interest.


The world does not expect you to do what you cannot do. Doing what you can do without expecting anything in return is service

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