August 02, 2021

Decoding A Champion's Mind.

 1. Be Your Toughest Competitor.

- Champions consider themself as their toughest competitor. - They expect more from themselves. They push their limits.

2. Think Optimistically. - Champions choose to be optimistic always. - It is a feeling that you create to get through tough times. - A simple trick in those situations is to smile because it signals your brain that you're happy and relaxed - ready to give your all.

3. Have A Confident Self Image. - Champions visualize goals and keep practicing, it builds their confidence. - Confidence is the key to success. It is something you choose and must work to build everyday! - Seek out role models who have achieved great things.

4. Believe In Your Own Talent. - Character traits, are internal and we can influence them in ourselves. - They figure out what traits of theirs, they can improve upon and work diligently on improving them everyday.

5. Take Commitments Seriously. - Champions take the commitments they make to themselves very seriously. - They devise an improvement plan and commit themselves to it. - Champions take pride in doing things that average people will not do. - Champions value persistence.

6. Have Dreams But Embrace The Grind. - Champions have dreams, but they also go beyond dreaming. - Champions are focused on the process rather than the outcome. - Embrace the grind and work hard everyday.

7. Be Laser Focused. - Champions are single minded and have a laser focus in everything they do. - They will need to decide reaching goals is worth sacrificing other areas of life.

8. Understand That Setbacks Are A Learning Experience. - Champions perceive and react to events differently. - They believe in themselves and look at setbacks differently. - They instead take something positive that came of it and latch onto that instead.

9. Get Good At Self Evaluation. - Champions are good at self evaluation. - They won't be influenced by outside evaluations. - They create their own standards and hold themselves accountable to those.

10. Don't Just Work Hard, Work Smart. - Champions not only work hard, but they also work smart. - They will be strategic and efficient about what they are doing. - Daily, they take time to sit back and think, to ensure if they are keeping an eye on the bigger picture.

11. Know When To Be Patient And When To Be Impatient. - Champions know when to be patient and when to be impatient. - They will be impatient with the limits placed upon them by others. - Patient when it comes to the process of self improvement.

12. Surround With Right People. - Champions surround themselves with the right people who not only supports and encourages them but also tell them what they need to hear when needed.

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