August 03, 2021

6 Reasons why you are stuck in life and 6 simple ways to change it all around QUICKLY

 Ask yourself honestly:

Do you feel like you are doing the best you can? Do you feel dissatisfied with who you are? Asking those questions can be uncomfortable and frustrating. But knowing you want to do more is a great place to be…
When you are sick of your current situation, change is much easier. And there is usually only a small number of things holding you back. Which again is great as you only need to change a few things to start winning. Let's look at 6 of them...

1) You don't have well-formed goals "But I do have goals." Yes, most people have an idea of a goal. But over 90% don't even write any down, and most that do only write surface-level vague goals. Real goals need specific actions to them, something you can do daily…

Say you want to make a million dollars; that is your goal. Then one of your many specific daily actions could be: Spending 2 hours a day calling 2/4 potential clients and closing at a 20% rate each week. To succeed and feel unstuck, you need to get specific with your goals.

2) You LOVE your bad habits You love how convenient Uber eats is You love the comfort of binge-watching a show You love the dopamine hit of surfing social media You love self-medicating with support from your local street pharmacist. These are habits you have to stop
We all need to relax, recharge, and reset our moods.
But the habits you choose to do this are making your life worse. A simple switch of replacing your relax habits with ones that actually help you will change your life. Don't take this point lightly.

3) You think the comfort zone is good You got a little success; you have an okay job or a well-paid one. But you feel you could do more, but you don't want to mess up a good thing. So you start tolerating mediocrity and settling for what you already have. You can do more…
A part of your brain wants you to stay safe; that's good.
But that part of your brain was designed to keep you safe from tigers, lions, and bears. Not to stop you from growing as a person. Lean into what you want to become. Make the unfamiliar familiar.

4) Problems stop you from trying Problems are not a reason to stop. They are an opportunity to learn and grow. If you fail at something new, GREAT, you are meant to. There is an entry price to success, and that price is overcoming failure. Lean into it and grow...

5) You are anchored to past failures You say to yourself: "Tried that already" "I am too old now" "That's for lucky people" These are all excuses that you tell yourself You might have had some BIG setbacks in life But so has everyone else. Get over these quickly and move on

6) You will be ready next year Did you not say that to yourself last year? Don't lie to me; you did; you even said it 5 years ago. Don't wake up at 40, 50, 60, and beyond with regrets. Life is short, and it is NOW o'clock for you to take action...

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