August 25, 2021

8 reasons why you should play chess…

 1. Learn to accept failure:

You will lose a lot in chess, especially as a beginner. The sooner you learn from these lessons you can bounce back and become a better player from experience. This can be applied to the game of life.

2. Focus: Chess requires a massive amount of focus. One slip of focus can lose you the entire game even if you were fully focused 99% of the time. It’s not good enough. Learning and utilising 100% focus through chess is vital. This can be applied to the game of life

3. Confidence: Chess will build confidence. As you lose, learn, analyse and grow from experience you will develop confidence with each success you have. You begin to trust your actions, movement and decisions as to be the right one. This can be applied to the game of life.

4. Performance/Calmness under pressure: Especially with timed chess, difficult decisions which can impact the outcome of the game have to be made in seconds. With experience, you become better at making critical decision. This can be applied to the game of life.

5. Self-sufficiency: Teaches you to know yourself without being dependant on others people’s decisions and help. It teaches you to be responsible with your own decisions and actions, win or lose. This can be applied to the game of life.

6. Memory: It’s incredibly complex to play. To get good at chess you will need to remember a lot of strategies and tactics of different moves to gain an advantage. The more you remember, the better you will be able to play. This can be applied to the game of life.

7. Creative thinking: You may be on the back foot, losing pieces and on the verge of defeat. Yet a single move can turn the entire tide on your opponent. This requires you to think beyond your normal measure. This can be applied to the game of life.

8. Logical thinking: Remove emotion from decision making. Yep - the stoicism mindset. The less emotion attached to your decisions means you will think clearer about your move, enhancing the chances of a better move. And yes, this can also be applied to the game of life.

Chess has transferable skills which you can apply to the game of life.

Think of all the points above. Playing chess will enhance your life and focus you on your true goals.

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