June 23, 2021

How do you build a thick skin personality?

 ANSWER - 1  

Knowing you can collapse dead anytime and nothing actually matters. Realize that whatever someone says won't matter in a few days. Swallow your pride first, because you will take some L’s. Come back stronger and better.


Don't let the opinions of others effect you.People don't hate on others that are stuck in their life.They hate on people which are making progress - due to their own insecurities. Critics are shouting you are in the right path.

March on.


Normalize saying what needs to be said, before it’s too late. Otherwise let whoever, think whatever and keep it moving with no later explanation.


Understanding that the only thing we have power over is our ourselves. Don’t allow anyone to control the only thing you have control over. Be confident and firm of who you are and what you allow to disturb you .


Don’t! Why would you? A thick skin personality shuts you off to all of life - en block! Let your personality be supple open inviting to truly live love laugh. Develop in stead a strong intellect that has the ability to pick you high up over the mundane affectations of the world!


Meditation definitely helps in building up selective hearing which in turn creates a thick skin as per others…but yes meditation helps in every sphere of building a great character of yours.


You must face each day as it comes and careless about what other people say about you. Keep moving and in motion.

Selective hearing? I like that. You don't have to react or respond to things that doesn't resonate with you .

Don’t Shy Away From Confrontation.

You Don’t Have To Be Liked By Everyone.

Put Things In Perspective.

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