June 17, 2021

21 Reasons your energy & productivity are low

 1. You give in to your cravings.

Stop being addicted to cheap dopamine hits.

2. You keep thinking in the short term. "I'll just do this right now and get back to my routine after".

3. You don't embrace being uncomfortable. I get it. Comfort is nice. It's also a guarantee to an average life.

4. You don't track what you do/eat/think. Food, thoughts, goals, etc. need to be tracked. You need data in order to figure out what works and double-down.

5. You do too much at once. Fasting, a bit of keto, journaling, cheat meals on the weekend, 5 workouts a week. Master ONE thing, then move on to the next habit

6. You don't prioritize exercise. Treat exercise and fitness as a non-negotiable. Stop sacrificing health for yet another meeting.

7. You don't plan ahead. Optionality creates indecision. Indecision creates stress. Plan your day, week, month ahead of time.

8. You don't know what to do. What kind of exercise should you prioritize? What to eat? When to eat?

9. Your sleeping times fluctuate. Some nights it's 11 pm. Others it'll be 2 am by the time you're in bed. This kills energy. Know that.

10. You don't have an evening routine. Your mind's been racing all day. Trust me, you need to unwind for 30-60 minutes before bed.

11. Your room isn't sleep-optimized. Light producing devices. No blinds or curtains. Temperature too warm. 12. You don't block blue light. Screens mess with your melatonin. This isn't some fluffy tinfoil hat theory. It's science.

13. You don't know what your priorities are. You can't be productive when you're not clear on the goals for your business. This creates friction and increases stress.

14. You don't focus on your priorities. So, you've defined your priorities. Great! But now you find yourself constantly doing things that are NOT a priority. Shiny object syndrome is real. Focus!

15. You don't analyze the data. Maybe you DO track what you do, you eat, etc. Perhaps you're just not sitting down to interpret what the facts are telling you. Remember, knowing is growing.

16. You self-victimize. Stop. No matter what happened: you're responsible for the results. No one else.

17. You think stress and low energy is temporary. "After this client, I will..." "Once I reach 100k, I will.." Nope. You won't. You need a system, not another bandaid.

18. You think about work non-stop. The clients. The emails. The meetings. Even when you're with friends and family you don't feel like you're really there with them. Hate to break it to you: you won't last. Be PRESENT.

19. You think self-development isn't for you. Thought downloads, meditation, visualization. You think it's cute, at best.

20. You don't have a workflow system. There's no structure in the way you go about planning your days, listing tasks, transferring them into a calendar. You just...do things based on how you feel.

21. You multitask. You've got 30 google chrome tabs open. You call people while eating. You check your phone 8 times per minute. This will NEVER be productive!

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