May 17, 2021

Money makes everything easier

1.People say "Money will not buy you happiness" This is just an excuse for people who are earning less Money buys you freedom Freedom to do anything and everything that makes you happy.

2.Money can't make you happy, but can buy you things and make your life easier. A lot of your problems can be solved with money. A lot of tensions will be gone. And if you have money and good relationships, then you are on your way to a happy life.

3.Majority of the people who say money can’t buy happiness don’t have any money It sure as hell can’t buy you happiness but it can buy you multiple options ways for you to not stay disappointed w/ life

4."Money can't buy happiness" Sure, but with money you can buy your way out of the common causes of unhappiness.

5.Money gives you freedom to think and experiment. If you are dependent on someone for a monthly salary or wage, you cannot afford to think freely and try out new things.

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