May 30, 2021

"10 Ways To Be Mentally Strong And Reach Your Full Potential"


Do u bury yourself in ur bed and sleep for hours when you’re sad? Do u binge eat when you're stressed? They aren't really good for actually dealing with our emotions. U need to learn better coping skills. Instead of self-medicating,try some of these:

a. Write in a journal. Putting those intense thoughts on paper actually helps you process them. b. Go for a walk or run. Physical activity will help you calm down. c. Meditate! Empty your mind and push all those bad thoughts aside.

2. LEARN TO SAY “NO” For many of us, saying no is pretty damn hard. the harder it is for you to say no, the more likely you are to be stressed, get burnt out, and even depressed. If you say yes to things you don’t want to do, or every time someone asks you for help or invites you somewhere, you won’t have any time for yourself, nor will you be happy.

3. GIVE UP BAD HABITS In order to be a mentally strong person, you need to ditch your bad habits ASAP. Some of the absolute worst habits to kick include: - Comparing yourself to others - Surrounding yourself with negative people or people you don’t like
- Ruminating on the past - Being afraid of change - Not learning from your mistakes - Worrying about things you can’t control or change Once you get rid of those toxic habits, your life will get exponentially better.

4. DON’T BLAME OTHERS Taking responsibility for your problems is incredibly empowering and so, so important to building mental strength, because only then will you be able to learn from your mistakes and avoid them in the future, solve problems, and be more successful.

5. OVERCOME YOUR INNER CRITIC Being your own worst critic is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Those negative thoughts only set u up for failure, so instead of judging yourself & expecting the worst outcome, force yourself to believe that you’re going to succeed.

6. BE GRATEFUL Training yourself to practice gratitude for all of the wonderful things in your life, and you can do it by something as simple as keeping a little notepad next to your bed and writing down three things you’re thankful for before going to sleep.

7. BE OPTIMISTIC People who are optimistic are more committed to their goals, are more successful in achieving their goals & have better mental and physical health. But even if you're not a naturally optimistic person, here's a scientific way to fake it 'til you make it.
facial movement can influence & alter emotional experiences, just as emotions cause facial expressions. This means that emotions & facial expressions essentially operate in a feedback loop, so simply forcing yourself to smile can create an emotional shift & make you happy!

8. DON’T WORRY ABOUT PLEASING OTHERS Many of us tend to try to please and seek the approval of others in the things we do. Living your life as a people-pleaser won’t make you truly happy since you won’t be living an authentic life the way you want.

Mentally strong individuals have the guts to express how they truly feel and act how they want to, even if it isn’t popular with everyone else.

9. DON’T BE AFRAID OF PAIN As we all know, the things we want in life don’t magically appear in front of us, and sometimes, we need to really work for those things. Only the mentally strong achieve what they want – they’re willing to endure that pain.

10. DELAY GRATIFICATION Instant gratification is something we all love. Delaying it is so, so important for success, and only those who have the willpower to keep from indulging in a moment’s enjoyment reap the successes later on.

Thanks for reading.

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