May 30, 2021

13 Reasons You Shouldn't Be Afraid To Try Something New

 There are countless reasons to try new things in your life. Trying something new doesn’t mean that you have to risk life and limb. Trying new things just means you need to experience something different. Until you try new things, you may never know your true passion, purpose, or power.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Here are 13 reasons why you should try new things.

1. Builds Courage Stepping out of your comfort zone, can help you build courage in doing things you may have felt uncomfortable trying out before. Think of your courageous character as a muscle that must be continually strengthened.

2. It Re-Emphasizes Your Strength If you seek more in life, then there is an emptiness that is filled when you try new things. The only way they can do this is by trying something new, which boosts their confidence and belief in themselves.

3. Possibility to Find Something you Enjoy When you try new things, especially things you might like, new doors will open and you could find yourself in that dream house or dream job you’ve always wanted.

4. Decreases Boredom One must challenge oneself from time to time to alleviate boredom. Think of it this way, you’re shocking your muscles into action when you try new things. We feel better when this happens. By making it a habit to learn something new each day,
you will quickly amass a broad spectrum of important knowledge. It can further help you to gain a much better perspective on your own life.

5. Discover Your Purpose Until you try something new in life, you will never know if you could do it better. There is sincere happiness when we achieve a feat on our own.
Remember that failure is part of trying something new. So, if at first, you do not succeed, try, try, try, and try again.

6. Forces Growth Try new things… forcing beneficial change in your life. Growth requires action, action requires our attention. When you have your own attention, you are more apt to learn more from yourself, and therefore you will grow more as a person.

7. Builds Confidence When you try something you’ve never done before, you’re also accomplishing something. Accomplishment brings feelings of success, and therefore builds confidence so that you may be better prepared to try the next new opportunity that comes along.

8. Peace of Mind Lessen anxieties about trying new things by trying new things, more often. Fear often holds people back from evolving past their own emotions about different situations. Embrace those fears and face them. You’ll feel better, I promise you.

9. Know Your Likes and Dislikes When you are open to trying new things, you are opening yourself to pushing beyond the threshold into new territories. So, you can accurately point out what you do not like or like based on your capacity.

10. Satisfying Memories Life is all about balance, and trying something new can help you to build a happing archive. Remember, not all good things lead to great memories, but our desire to keep trying makes the difference.

11. Expand Your Social Networks Staying at home every Friday night might save money and become comfortable after a while, but it’s important to get out once and again to expand your social networks. This can be beneficial for your career and your personal life.

12. Breaks Monotony of Routine Also, consider that when you have a broken routine, it leaves less room for vulnerability in as much that others will notice your strength in allowing yourself to step out of the comfort zone

13. You Experience More of Life To experience more of life, try traveling solo or picking up an online course of your greatest fear. Do not limit yourself. Go for it. If you are adventurous enough,
you will come back with new life lessons, friends, and perspectives. Overall, you will become a well-rounded person . So, this is the time to try new things to add some spice to your life. Remember that fear is a drawback, so conquer it by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

22 Lessons I Learned From My Millionaire Mentor

 1. Choose your Partner Carefully

86% of millionaires are married - Marry someone who is: - Frugal - Mindful about money - Supportive of your money habits Marry OR Choosing business partner choose someone with a winning financial mindset.

2. Embrace Failure Without failure, there cannot be success. Failure: - Builds resilience - Provides answers - Accelerates growth - Sparks opportunity - Makes you stronger - Redirects your goals Failure is a stepping stone toward success.

3. Surround Yourself with Winners Think about the 5 closest people you hang out with. Soon, you'll realize that: - You think the same thoughts - You have the same goals - You offer similar advice People inspire you or they drain you. Choose them carefully.

4. Adopt a Growth Mindset 2 types of mindset: - Fixed - Growth Growth mindset: - Build wealth - Learn new skills - Build relationships Fixed mindset: - I can't do this - I'm going to fail - This will take forever To change your reality, start by changing your mentality.

5. Invest, Don't Just Save Allow compound interest to build your wealth. How to invest: - Invest automatically - Invest in index funds - Avoid higher-risk investments - Choose low-cost investment options There is no such thing as "the perfect time" to invest. Start now.

6. Diversify your Income The average millionaire has 7 income streams. Income streams could include: - Primary job - Spouse's job - Rental income - Interest and dividends - Real estate investment trusts Don't put all your eggs in 1 basket. Diversify your income today.

7. Read Daily 85% of millionaires read 2+ books per month. Books offer advice on: - Personal development - Entrepreneurship - Investments - Business - Family - Life If you want to succeed, you have to read.

8. Aim for Excellence Aim for excellence, not perfection. Perfection can: - Cost you time - Increase anxiety - Starve your creativity - Prevent you from taking risks If you seek perfection, you'll never reach it.

9. Don't Procrastinate Tips to kill procrastination now: - Break down large tasks - Celebrate the small victories - Write down your future goals - Find an accountability partner Use today to build the stepping stone for your future.

10. Find Quality Mentors 93% of millionaires attribute their success to a mentor. Mentors offer you guidance in: - Your financial life - Your personal life - Your professional life Mentors are the ultimate shortcut to success.

11. Use the System in your Favor The wealthy use: - Tax deductions - Tax advantages - Personal liability protection Know how to structure your business:
Build a lasting empire today.

12. Pay Yourself First How to pay yourself first: - Deposit paycheck - Automate investments first - Anything left over goes to bills The process: - Determine how much to invest - Determine investment frequency - Determine where it should be invested Use money to make money.

13. Give Back to your Community 72% of millionaires volunteer 5+ hours every month. Millionaires pay it forward by: - Donating their time - Donating their talent - Donating their treasure A rising tide lifts all boats.

14. Exercise 76% of millionaires exercise 30+ minutes daily. Regular exercise increases: - Focus - Memory - Sleep quality - Physical fitness - Mental concentration A healthy mind lives in a healthy body.

15. Build an Emergency Fund Millionaires are prepared for unexpected expenses. Surprise expenses could include: - A roof replacement - Medical emergencies - A broken car gearbox Avoid high-interest credit cards to pay for emergencies. Use your emergency fund.

16. Be an Early Bird Almost 50% of self-made millionaires wake up 3+ hours before the workday begins. Waking up early can: - Lower stress - Increase positivity - Increase productivity - Improve sleep quality - Improve mental fitness The early bird gets the worm.

17. Stop Comparing "Comparison is the thief of joy." - Theodore Roosevelt Focus on: - Your purpose - Your experience - Owning your feelings - Turning your attention inward The only competition is staring back at you in the mirror.

18. Optimize your Time Time waits for no one. Millionaires optimize their 24 hours by: - Prioritizing their activities - Planning the day in advance - Starting today to build a better tomorrow Time is the ultimate currency.

19. Buy Used Non-Luxury Cars Only 14% of luxury cars are bought by millionaires. Used cars: - Save money - Can last several years - often come with a warranty - Are often already depreciated Most cars are depreciating assets. Don't invest in negative returns.

20. Buy a Forever Home 60% of millionaires live in a house valued at less than $500,000. You don't need: - A mansion - An exclusive community - The biggest house on the block It's not the home you live in that matters. It's the people you live with that matter.

21. Become an Entrepreneur 66% of millionaires own their own business. It will take: - Consistency - Long nights - Dedication - Hard work - Sacrifice The reward will be: - Fulfillment - Freedom - Money - Time Monetize your passion and build a legacy.

22. Curate your Network The No. 1 predictor of your future success is determined by the breadth and depth of your network. Why your network is important: - Support - Opportunities - Lasting relationships - Increases self-confidence Your network is your net worth.

Most people have a misconception of the millionaire life Millionaires are smart with money and won’t waste it even when they have it because of the habits they’ve worked so hard to develop. many people don’t realize how important it is to live below your means, and not spend lavishly to obtain and maintain millionaire status.

7 Ways how Your Unclear Values Cripple Your Growth Read along to learn: - how to worry less - be more productive - hit your goals more

 1. Lack of Confidence

When you lack your own values, you follow the crowd for guidance. You try to fit in. You depend on the crowd to tell you what to think, what to do and what to become.
You let go of your individuality. You become scared to stand out. The solution? A clear set of values. They help you build your own trust. They are the key to building confidence.

2. Unfulfilling Relationships A sign of a great relationship is the space to express what you want and what you don't want. Without this space, there is no relationship. But without a clear set of values, how can you even know what you want? You don't.

You start to "go with the flow" - you become a doormat. Or you become a coward and start dealing in passive-aggressive hints. Both spell the death of a relationship. Knowing your own values helps you put forward your needs and wants honestly. It helps your relationship thrive

3. Procrastination Everyone procrastinates to some extent. But if it's becoming too big an obstacle, think a bit. Are you putting off your work because it's hard? Or is it because your work conflicts with your values?

Spend some time to clarify what really matters to you. Work on what resonates with you well. Do that and procrastination stops being that big of a deal.

4. Anxiety No one is completely immune to worries and anxieties. If they claim so, then they are bald-faced liars. Your anxieties are like a black hole. They pull your attention towards them. So you need something to counter that pull.

A clear set of well-defined values provides that counter-pull. Know what matters to you the most. The day-to-day worries will lose their hold over you.

5. Lack of Happiness and Satisfaction You are not an automaton. You were not built for just participating in the rat race, rearing up children, and waiting to die. Do this long enough and it drains your soul.

Instead, craft a meaning for your life. Define your values and work on what's meaningful for you. You will pave the way for more happiness and joy in your life.

6. Inability to hit Your Goals You cannot rely on motivation alone to hit your goals. The fire must come from within. But what's the source of this drive? It's your set of values.

Your values give you a strong enough why. It keeps you charged from within even when external motivation has left you. Align your goals to your values. You will be amazed at your ability to hit them like clockwork.

7. Losing your way And finally, when you lack a set of values, you leave yourself open to being hijacked. This is why demagogues like Hitler are so dangerous. They prey and feed upon people who have set no clear values for themselves.

They entice away these souls. They turn them into a cog in their machinery of ambition. The antidote? You guessed it right. It's taking time to clarify your own values. They will protect you.

Now you know how your lack of clear values is setting you back. I hope you will take some time to define your values. You just cannot let this slide. The stakes are too high.

Three Important Lessons of Life


1) The problem is rarely the problem.
Most of our problems are made by us only. They are a result of our constant overthinking. The best way to counter this is to take a step back and analyse the situation.


2) Most people don't want help. They just want attention. Most of the people aren't looking for any help. They are fools who just want sympathy and others' attention. If you are too like them, then unfollow me right now.


3) Better to find a solution than crying over the problem. What will crying do? Will it solve the problem? Will it make your situation easy? No, it won't. So why are you wasting your precious time in crying?
Stop being a cry baby. Get up and find the solution. Keep finding it until you get out of the problem. -----

"10 Ways To Be Mentally Strong And Reach Your Full Potential"


Do u bury yourself in ur bed and sleep for hours when you’re sad? Do u binge eat when you're stressed? They aren't really good for actually dealing with our emotions. U need to learn better coping skills. Instead of self-medicating,try some of these:

a. Write in a journal. Putting those intense thoughts on paper actually helps you process them. b. Go for a walk or run. Physical activity will help you calm down. c. Meditate! Empty your mind and push all those bad thoughts aside.

2. LEARN TO SAY “NO” For many of us, saying no is pretty damn hard. the harder it is for you to say no, the more likely you are to be stressed, get burnt out, and even depressed. If you say yes to things you don’t want to do, or every time someone asks you for help or invites you somewhere, you won’t have any time for yourself, nor will you be happy.

3. GIVE UP BAD HABITS In order to be a mentally strong person, you need to ditch your bad habits ASAP. Some of the absolute worst habits to kick include: - Comparing yourself to others - Surrounding yourself with negative people or people you don’t like
- Ruminating on the past - Being afraid of change - Not learning from your mistakes - Worrying about things you can’t control or change Once you get rid of those toxic habits, your life will get exponentially better.

4. DON’T BLAME OTHERS Taking responsibility for your problems is incredibly empowering and so, so important to building mental strength, because only then will you be able to learn from your mistakes and avoid them in the future, solve problems, and be more successful.

5. OVERCOME YOUR INNER CRITIC Being your own worst critic is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Those negative thoughts only set u up for failure, so instead of judging yourself & expecting the worst outcome, force yourself to believe that you’re going to succeed.

6. BE GRATEFUL Training yourself to practice gratitude for all of the wonderful things in your life, and you can do it by something as simple as keeping a little notepad next to your bed and writing down three things you’re thankful for before going to sleep.

7. BE OPTIMISTIC People who are optimistic are more committed to their goals, are more successful in achieving their goals & have better mental and physical health. But even if you're not a naturally optimistic person, here's a scientific way to fake it 'til you make it.
facial movement can influence & alter emotional experiences, just as emotions cause facial expressions. This means that emotions & facial expressions essentially operate in a feedback loop, so simply forcing yourself to smile can create an emotional shift & make you happy!

8. DON’T WORRY ABOUT PLEASING OTHERS Many of us tend to try to please and seek the approval of others in the things we do. Living your life as a people-pleaser won’t make you truly happy since you won’t be living an authentic life the way you want.

Mentally strong individuals have the guts to express how they truly feel and act how they want to, even if it isn’t popular with everyone else.

9. DON’T BE AFRAID OF PAIN As we all know, the things we want in life don’t magically appear in front of us, and sometimes, we need to really work for those things. Only the mentally strong achieve what they want – they’re willing to endure that pain.

10. DELAY GRATIFICATION Instant gratification is something we all love. Delaying it is so, so important for success, and only those who have the willpower to keep from indulging in a moment’s enjoyment reap the successes later on.

Thanks for reading.

even pillar of saptang model (Chanakya's model for successful organization AND Human Body )

 The first pillar of Saptang

1.Leader (Swami)

the leader plays the most important role in any organization...Or the corporate world. He is the one who can make or break the organization. Under his direction, the organization runs. If you get this person right, everything will fall into its place.
We have great examples of leaders like Mr. Mukesh Ambani, Mr. Ratan Tata, and many more. Who has proved themselves over the period of time with their great leadership?


The Second Pillar of Saptang 2. Amatya (Minister) : CEO/MANAGER
Team members also play a vital role in uplifting the leader. They should be always alert and conscious about what is happening in the organization.
We have enormous Examples from our ancient history like Akbar and Birbal. As we all know how Intelligent the Birbal was and due to which King Akbar was always on the safer side and had no fear of losing either Money or his Kingdom.

2ND CHAKRA - This could be associated with the spinal cord. It is always alert about all the organs in the body… and managed reflex actions

Third pilar of saptang model Day3:- Janapada (The Market)
Chanakya says, for getting success in business or in life, we should first look into the problems of the citizens and find solution for it. That's the key to your success. When people believe in their leader, they feel safe and protected in tough times.
When a country and it's citizens are in danger the Prime Minister of the nation protects them and serve the nation. That's why people trust him and keep faith in him
3RH CHAKRA - The 5 senses play this role in human body - eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin

Fourth Pillar of Saptang Model 4.DURG (THE FORTIFIED CITY)HEAD OFFICE
You need a control tower, a place where all plans and strategies are made. It's from here that your central administrative work is carried out. It's the nucleus and the center of any organization. Like all the rich people today have a huge space for performing enormous tasks.
4TH CHAKRA - Durg - The skeleton and muscular system inside all the organs and brain resides and conducts all processes

Fifth Pillar of Saptang Model 5.Kosha (Finance)
The leader has to make sure that revenue generation is adequate and expenditure is measured. The aim is to keep the economy strong.
It is essential for the growth of the business, wealth creation, wealth circulation, and distribution. Insurance is a concept that Chanakya was known for. Every rich person or successful person follows this strategy to avoid failure.
5TH CHAKRA - Kosha - Our digestive system including liver, stomach, pancreas etc where all food is converted into energy or money and distributed to the rest of the body

Sixth pillar of Saptang Model Day 6 :- Danda (Army) The Team
When we go to the war, we need a well-equipped and trained Army. Army not only protects from enemies but also brings respect to the country.
The army consists your team members. Those who are ready to fight for the organization. The salesman, the accountant, the driver, the peon- all of them add to your team.
6TH CHAKRA - Danda - is all the cells and organs of the human body which collaborate & work together in synergy

Seventh pilar of saptang model Day7:- Mitra (The Ally) Friend/consultant:
In life, you should have a friend who is just like you. Being in the same boat, he can identify with you and stay close if you need help. He is the one you can depend upon when problems arise. After all, a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Chanakya always says, "Don't fight a battle alone, take a friend along."

7TH CHAKRA - This can be the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara - God as your divine friend

May 27, 2021

Decoding The Language of Leadership- VANI KOLA

“I’m sure cutting off heads is satisfying, but that’s not the way you get people to work together” – Sansa Stark, Game of Thrones

There is something about language propagated by leaders in our high-octane start-up world that evokes a sense of the medieval. Early in my career as an entrepreneur, I was given a book by a very senior mentor, entitled “Leadership secrets of Attila the Hun”, and the war analogy didn’t stop there. In my many years of experience, I have often heard statements like “Take no prisoners” and “Kill the competition”. How many times have you heard, “Business is war”? Does it have to be war? Are these metaphors of war and aggression necessary for survival and success? As a civic society, shouldn’t we espouse peace over war? These are questions I have often pondered. I believe the leadership language of war is rooted in the concept of the sole victor — the alpha male, the solitary lion of each pride, defending his dominion.

This testosterone-centered vocabulary didn’t appeal to me in the slightest, though I initially tried to fit in rather than speak up. As I progressed further in my career, I began to think about the leadership language that I could use that wouldn’t conflict with my own identity. This led me to wonder whether the difference in leadership styles could really boil down to something fundamental. It is, after all, the lionesses in prides that hunt together and share the spoils. Could my discomfort with the common parlance of leadership simply be a result of being a female leader? Theorists suggest that language could be a reason why women are underrepresented at senior levels largely because many senior women still work in industries and companies that are governed by traditional masculine norms, and therefore, one’s competence may be judged by the language filter. This can have important implications on who is noticed and offered more opportunities. Is creating more equitable environments caused by a lack of creating a bridge language to merge the distinctive styles of leadership?

Thinking further about leadership, I am reminded of a program I had participated in many years ago. One of the activities at the event involved completing an intense hike. We were divided into groups and each group consisted of leaders from a wide variety of occupations. As the group started to develop strategies on how to best tackle the hike, I noticed that some participants focused on being the fastest to get to the top. However one of the leaders — who happened to be a chief of police — offered to be the “sweeper”, he wanted to make sure that no one in the group was left behind, encouraging and helping those who found the hike more difficult. This experience fundamentally changed my approach to leadership. Is the only type of leadership the one which centers on “reaching the top as fast as I can”? What actions can then be justified in order to reach first? What about the responsibility of the leader to ensure that no one is left behind?

All this to say that for me today, leadership means the following things –

  1. A leader is someone who must have an unwavering moral compass that gives them the decisiveness to act, especially when things are going wrong. They have to be the light found in the darkest moments and truly lead their team out of any hardship that befalls them.
  2. When, on the other hand, things are going exceedingly well, leadership is about taking your people along with you on your ride to the top. It’s about not leaving behind the people just because they are a little slow.
  3. Leadership is about workspaces that truly let people thrive and reach their best potential.
  4. Leadership must be about being authentic. For me, to reach the top, I need not embrace someone else’s definitions and principles. I need to be authentic to my true self.

To conclude, being a good and successful leader is about creating a supportive and generous workspace, rather than eliminating all competition. We need to find ways to discuss unconscious bias and create pathways for women to have opportunities to excel. Perhaps the first step on that journey is to consider an inclusive language of leadership, allow for different views to coexist.

And for women, claim the leadership language that you can relate to and thrive on. Educate others on why this is relevant and important for you.

May 23, 2021

Be unpredictable or be left behind.

 Living in set patterns can be a disadvantage. One impressive part of human behavior is that we have the power to be unpredictable. Many if not all animals live in set patterns, this is why humanity has been able to domesticate them.

Or hunt and kill them.

Humans can alter their behavior at will. To overcome the weight of routine and change habits. This can help you to become healthier and smarter. But it can also be used to outmaneuver competitors in life. However, most humans do not use this power.
They prefer the comforts of routine. - Netflix - Ubereats - Sleeping in - Drinking alcohol They give in to their animal nature and repeat the same compulsive actions daily. They do this because it requires no effort. They believe life is about comfort.
That changing will not only unsettle them but unsettle those around them. Who wants to do that? Well, you should. The person who has the power to change their habits.
Become stronger and smarter is already ahead of the game. Then add on the ability to become unpredictable at work and in your projects.
To be able to surprise those around you with a secret product launch. To disappear for 6 months and come back unrecognizable and stronger. To be able to deliver work in your work environments above your perceived level. Because you spent months onboarding new skills in secret.

The power of deliberately unsettling those around you by being unpredictable Will get you much further ahead in life than falling into the comfortable routine trap that 95% of others do Be unpredictable Change things up Disrupt the world around you Then reap the benefits

If you could add one thing to pubic school curriculum, what would it be?

We either need a better and new way to teach public school than the way it's being taught or homeschooling is going to become the new way towards education.

In addition few things I would add that I know aren't being taught at all:

1. Mental Health 2. Disabilities 3. Emotional regulation 4. Meditation , NUTRITION,YOGA 5. Entrepreneurship , NEGOTIATIONS,SELL 6. Book Marketing 7. Book publishing 8. Coping skills 9. Financial Literacy 10. Budgeting 11. Kindness


So pretty much teach kids on how to actually learn and how to find something they're passionate of about and turning it into something they can live off of. That's better to me than "go to college, get a job, pay taxes, and die"

A real one too, not some wishy-washy bullshit under the guise of English or Philosophy class.
This sounds great in theory, but I’d venture it’s be tough to find teachers capable of teaching that class—given so many of them can barely think critically themselves. Plus, then the students could question the indoctrination.

Make finance mandatory curriculum starting in 5th grade. Curriculum: money management, history of your national currency, money theory, banking, credit, investments (securities, commodities, IRA, , etc), trading, taxation and business.
Financial education taught by successful business men, not some teachers who have no idea what they are talking about.

How to distinguish fact from fiction. How to scrutinise the things you read/hear. How to form an opinion after you've done the research, and then how to change your mind when presented with new information.

Cultural appreciation studies. Understand your culture, the art, the music, the traditions that come with it. People need to understand where they come from.

and still thinking what to add....................

BRAND Archetypes through lens -Indian-Brands

There has been so much already written about brand archetypes and this is certainly not one more of those articles. In fact, this is rather ...