March 15, 2021

10 Steps to going from planning to doing. How to Actually Just Start ??

 10 Steps to going from planning to doing

1. Find a roadmap and copy Every time I have ever achieved anything I reached out to someone already successful in their field and asked them for the steps

If you know what you are doing it makes starting easier

2. Ask yourself why you have to do it

Why do you go to work when you hate it? Why do you eat food? It is all for survival You have to keep that survival mindset and think of all the things you are going to not have if you don't FOMO (“fear of missing out.”) yourself everyday

3. Accept this is what you do now Once you realize that this is not what you want to do or "hope to do" and maybe someday might do and you understand this is what I am and this is what I am Starting and then continuing is much easier

4. To Do List Keep to do lists with strict deadlines You need to know what you are doing and when and if it is not done you need to make changes then and there It also helps having the person that showed you their roadmap hold you accountable You will get more done

5. Use Momentum If you are running and you start walking it becomes harder to start running again but if you push through the pain barrier it goes away (the body is built like that) So is your mind, you can't stop and once you get momentum behind you, you build habits

6. Build Habits

Habits will come from momentum Once you have habits in place you will find your goals much easier to achieve You get into the habit of making 100 sales calls a day You will make sales from that habit and it becomes a part of your survival

7. Don't expect instant results When serious investors invest into projects they can be waiting years for any sign of profit You can't pull the plug because your life didn't change in 2 weeks and say it "didn't work" and then go back to old habits that genuinely "don't work"

8. Keep successul people in your field around you If everyone around you is doing well in what you are looking to achieve you will become one of them Successful people genuinely tend to build people up and want them to join them at the table You will also be kept in the loop.

9. Keep your time schedule realistic 1 - 2 goals in your todo list for the day is fine People that put 20 goals on their daily to do list are rarely serious You want to be getting things done every day

10. 4 Hour work days 4 hours of productive work is MORE than enough for you to be able to keep a good life balance + reduces the risk of you bailing Like ppl that put 20 goals on their to do list Most ppl working "18 hour days" are not serious; 17 Of them spend hrs are on facebook

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