September 19, 2022

Things I know at 42 that I wish I knew at 22

 I have more but I'll stop there. I'm not an old man yet but I've learned a few things in 4 decades. Hope you got value out of this.


1. Stop using your workouts to burn fat at the gym. Use them to build muscle & get strong.

2. Quit porn. The damage it does to your brain is too great of a cost.

3. Instead of using porn, drugs & alcohol to numb what you're feeling learn how to deal with your emotions.

4. Your diet affects your mood, energy & body. What you put in is what you get out.

5. You can delay if not reverse the aging process by giving a fuck about your body.

6. Your parents did the best they could with what they've been taught. Forgive them & move on.

7. Call your parents. Spend time with them. You don't have as much time with them as you think.

8. Set an automatic amount of money to be saved. Invest that money. Your Rupees are soldiers. Create an army to build your future.

9. Focus more on building. Less on partying.

10. Put less focus on making money & more focus on helping as many people as possible.

11. Cars, clothes, watches & houses are status plays. Community, health & relationships are true wealth markers.

12. You don't have to get it right the first time. Just fail faster.

13. Never compare yourself to other people's highlight reels. Especially on social media.

14. Surround yourself with people who are growth oriented & share similar values to you.

15. Your influence is determined by how abundantly or Plentyfull you place other people’s interests first.

16. Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.

17. Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.

18. Learn how to fight. Fighting is like learning a language where most people are not fluent.

19. Aim to make every minute on this Earth count for something. You can always make back money but never lost time.

20. Hunt discomfort because it's the only way you'll grow as a human being.

21. The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.

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