September 19, 2022

13 Unpopular opinions will make you very, very rich.

I quit in my mid-30s working a regular job and doing the opposite of what most people tell you to do.

These 13 unpopular opinions will make you very,very rich.

1. Company loyalty will make you poor.

Screw those 3% cost of living raises. Want to make REAL money?

Start switching companies. 

If you Switch employers every 3 to 4 years and got 15-20% raises each time. 

100% pay increase every ten years.

2. Most millionaires are self-made.

Yes, we all "get help". But, the vast majority don't just inherit our wealth (it's proven).

Rich people earn it. 

▫ They start a business

▫ They invest in real estate

▫ They invent a new product

They provide value.

3. Getting rich is a habit. Habits are the things we do without thinking about them.

Rich people's habits are different.

Rich people:

▫ Rarely complain

▫ Think long-term

▫ Have tangible goals

▫ Know that time is money

▫ Diet and exercise regularly

4. Your significant other will make you or break you. The right spouse will support you in your goals, not stand in your way. 

5: VERY FEW rich people are glued to the news. 

The news is designed to make us upset. Angry. Fearful. None of these emotions help us to build wealth. Rich people are too busy getting rich to worry about the day's manufactured drama.

6. Making money is easy. 

There are 20 million millionaires in the U.S.Money is everywhere.

All you need to do is identify a skill that you have that people want to pay for. 

ALL OF US have marketable skills. Rich people identify them, use them, and monetize them.

7. You don't need to hustle 24/7.Burnout doesn't help get you rich. 

It makes you less effective. 

Burnout means: 

▫ Poor decisions

▫ More fatigue

▫ Less motivation

▫ Shitty sleep

Proper rest and sleep mean you can push harder during the day.

8. Growing up poor doesn't mean you're screwed. It might be tougher for you, yes.

But, that also means your success will MEAN MORE TO YOU .

There are enough "rags to riches" stories these days to prove that growing up poor won't kill your chances of getting rich.

9. Money doesn't play favorites.If you live in the 1st world, you have way more access to money than you think.  

Money is everywhere. 

▫ Side hustles

▫ Passive Incomes 

▫ Business/Manufacturing/Trading

People want to pay you.You just need to let them.

10. Investing is not gambling.With gambling, your odds are not good. Investments, however, have a clear and direct history of making a LOT of people filthy rich.

▫ Not your salary

▫ Not your savings

▫ Not your upbringing

Your investments.

11. You have more opportunities today than anyone in history. 

People have never had it easier. 

▫ Scholarships

▫ Mentorships

▫ The Internet

▫ Cell phones

Excuses don't make people rich.

Take advantage of your opportunities.

12. Passions don't pay the bills.Of course, there are exceptions. But generally, your Strengths pay the bills, not your passions.

▫ Passions are more creative

▫ Strengths are more marketable

13. A designer degree won't make you rich.The best  was choosing an inexpensive state school. Learn business working as a Employee read History/Business/Mindset/Investment/Money tittled books. 


▫ Go State School/ Learn English as well foreign Language

▫ Choose a highly marketable degree

You'll do fine.

Bonus 14. Give ZERO SHITS about your neighbor's/well wishers/Relatives/Friends Spending habits.

Buying a BMW because they bought one isn't going to make you rich, successful, or cool.

It'll make you broke.

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