July 14, 2022

22 cognitive biases you can learn in 30 seconds to make 100x better decisions

 Blind Spot Bias: 

We see everyone else's biases, but believe we don't have any.

Clustering Illusion:

We see patterns in randomness.

Optimism Bias:

Blindly believing only good things will happen to us.


Filling in the gaps of our memory with information other people told us.

Bystander Effect:

Assuming someone else will help during an emergency; not us.

Ben Franklin Effect:

We want to do favors for people we've helped before

Zeigarnik Effect:

We remember interrupted & unfinished tasks better than completed ones.

Law of Triviality:

We spend more time on trivial issues; we ignore important ones.


We perceive time differently during stress or trauma.

Survivorship Bias:

We focus on successes but don't look at failures.

Placebo Effect:

We can perceive effects from a non-effective treatment.

Authority Bias:

We believe it if an authority figure said it.

IKEA Effect:

We value things more when we had a hand in making them.

Outgroup Homogeneity Bias: 

Our ingroup is complex & diverse; outgroups are all the same.


Believing surface-level biases about a group rather than the reality of the individuals.

Framing Effect:

We interpret the same information differently depending on context.

Zero-Risk Bias:

We prefer to stop all current, small risks completely than take an alternative that mitigates long-term risk

Gambler's Fallacy:

We believe a random event's probability is based on previous events.

Sunk-Cost Fallacy:

We don't want to change course after investing resources, even if it's clear the investment was poor.

Status Quo Bias:

We like consistency and resent disruption.


Our past is nostalgic, and the world has gone downhill since.

Availability Cascade:

Collective beliefs get stronger the more they're repeated.

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