December 23, 2021

2021 has been informational for me in many ways.

2021 has been transformational for me in many ways. Here are 20 of my biggest reflections and affirmations:

Showing up is a skill Some will show up most days, very few show up every day. The resolve to keep showing up will set you apart. Remember, success happens slowly and then all at once.

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

Imposter syndrome is simply the price of surrounding yourself with people chasing excellence.

That feeling means you’re keeping up with them. When doubt creeps in, embrace: “the tranquility that comes when you stop caring what *they* say. Or think, or do. Only what you do.”

Work-life balance is bullsh*t. Excellence in either endeavor requires an on-off switch. Too many people operate, instead, with a dimmer which just leads to mediocrity in both areas.

Judging others is easy because it distracts us from the responsibility of judging ourselves.

People will rise—or fall—to the level of your expectations. Be careful not to label them based on past failures or shortcomings. Do so, and they’ll often prove you right. Instead, set the bar just out of reach & lift them up with “I believe in you” It could change their life.

Success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right.

What’s the world’s greatest lie? It’s this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.

Be a gardener, not a dictator Ordering people is like fast-twitch muscle. It builds a debt. Form a partnership instead. Make deposits by educating. And, empower them to create the plan. Ask them to ask more of themselves - foster an environment that allows them to outgrow you!

Rejection is a sign of direction. Whenever you hear a ‘no’, that just means ‘yes’ to something else.

Be selfish Your growth requires it. Routinely take inventory on your ‘circle of five’ - if they’re not pushing you, keep it movin’. Pour into yourself and eventually the right people will catch up.

Run towards fear Lean in, build up your threshold incrementally, and find drive in your own fear and insecurities. Leverage fear as an accelerant to learning. The stress arousal can trigger a heightened flow state, and unlock superpowers you didn’t even know existed.

Just because your dream is delayed, doesn’t mean it’s denied.

Who you listen to, you’ll become People will always try to put *their* limitations on you. Don’t let them. They want you to be average to make themselves feel better. To be uncommon, you must be willing to do what others don’t, and go where others won’t.

Pleasure <—> Pain dynamic As you experience greater pleasures, you also open yourself up for equal levels of pain. Without one, you can’t have the other. Remember, everyone’s thoughts and opinions about you can’t matter.

3 keys to success in life: 1. Treat people right 2. Keep showing up 3. Return to step 1

Be purposeful. When you realize your value and know your direction, go for what you want. Be purposeful in how you move, the content you create, the opportunities you pursue, and the connections you make.

Closed Mouths Don’t Get Fed If you want something, say something! People are too busy worrying about themselves to read your mind. Be explicit about what you want and you might just get it. At a minimum, you‘ll open the door to co-create a path leading there.

If you want something bad enough, the whole universe conspires in your favor.


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