December 07, 2021

11 Reasons Why You Should Read Daily

Reading is the best way to become friends with successful people you will never get to meet. They share their entire story with you full of lessons. All it costs is maximum 100. Rs Makes a degree look overpriced in comparison.

1. Increased Knowledge

88% of self-made millionaires read at least 30+ min. daily, focusing on self-education. 

If you want to increase your knowledge, then read books on:

- Mindset

- Business

- Self-improvement

Knowledge is power.

2. Improved Memory

The more you read, the better your memory becomes. 

When you read:

- You sharpen your mind

- You create new brain pathways

- You improve short-term memory

- You strengthen existing pathways

If you want to keep a sharp mind, you have to read.

3. Mental Stimulation

You are 2.5x less likely to develop Alzheimer's or Dementia if you stimulate your mind through reading.

How you can stimulate the brain:

- Play chess

- Read history books

- Read self-improvement books

The more you read, the more brainpower you generate.

4. Better Sleep Quality

Reading is like taking a natural sleeping pill.

Reading is:

- Relaxing

- Sleep-inducing

- Stress relieving

Reading can help you unwind after a stressful day and improve your sleep quality.

5. Better Writing Skills

When you read, you learn how authors write. 

Reading subconsciously influences you.

Benefits of better writing:

- Increased respect

- Increased leadership

- Better communication

Your written communication skills can open doors for you.

6. Improved Vocabulary

The better your vocabulary, the more you impress others.

Improved vocabulary opens doors to:

- Influence 

- Leadership

- Promotions

If you want to succeed, you have to read.

7. Reduced Stress

Reading a book for 6 minutes can decrease your stress by up to 68%.

If you are stressed about:

- Work

- Family

- Relationships

...Then a book can shift your focus from stress to an engaging article.

8. Improved Conversations

The more you read, the more you learn. 

Books can give you information on:

- History

- Business

- Biographies

- Current events

When you have an endless amount of topics to discuss, you increase your network.

9. Increased Critical Thinking

Reading improves your analytical skills.

As you read, you will likely start to:

- Analyze facts

- Question comments

- Remember specific details

If you want to improve your critical thinking, books can improve these skills massively.

10. Improved Focus

The average person's attention span is 8 seconds. 

When you multi-task you:

- Waste time

- Increase stress

- Decrease productivity

If you want to improve your focus, start reading.

11. Reading is a Brain Workout

Your chances of mental decline reduce by 32% if you consistently read.

When you read, you are:

- Absorbing new information

- Actively engaging your brain

- Improving your analytical skills

Your brain is a muscle. Don't forget to keep it trained.

Thanks for reading!


1. Increased Knowledge 2. Improved Memory 3. Mental Stimulation 4. Better Sleep Quality 5. Better Writing Skills 6. Improved Vocabulary 7. Reduced Stress 8. Improved Conversations 9. Increased Critical Thinking 10. Improved Focus 11. Reading is a Brain Workout

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