December 08, 2021

12 characteristics that made them wildly successful people

 Throughout my career, only about 5% of my coworkers were top performers. They crushed it both inside and outside of the office.

I took notes. I studied what they did. 

They all had the same 12 characteristics that made them wildly successful people.

1: Positive Successful people are relentlessly positive. They expect things to go right, and more times than not, they do. The Placebo Effect works.

2: Produce

Consumers spend money. Watch TV. Play video games. Producers make money. ▫ They write ▫ They create ▫ They build Success is attracted to those who produce.

3: Confident

They believe that they belong, even when they don't. They speak confidently and ignore the haters. Turn impostor syndrome on its head and you have a recipe for success.

4: Risk-tolerant Successful people take risks, period. ▫ Investments ▫ Businesses ▫ Inventions ▫ New paths ▫ Moving Playing it safe doesn't breed success.

5: Patient Unsuccessful people quit too early (and too often). But, "Never give up" is bad advice. Success lies somewhere in the middle. Successful people *know* when to quit. Patience is a virtue that makes success possible

6: Self-reliant Successful people rely on themselves to: ▫ Solve problems ▫ Acquire wisdom ▫ Build opportunities Your mind is your best resource. Use it.

7: Creative Creativity lets us try new things. To build things that are: ▫ Better ▫ Quicker ▫ Stronger Successful people don't just color between the lines.

8: Ethical They live and die by their code of ethics. Successful people: ▫ Sleep well at night, and ▫ Listen to their conscience

9: Exercise Regular exercise gives successful people: ▫ Strength ▫ Confidence ▫ Energy I've known very few highly successful people that don't lift or walk regularly.

10: Unafraid

Successful people are unafraid of failure. They aren't perfectionists, either. They understand nothing is perfect. Failure happens. All that matters is what you do after.

11: Honesty Liars don't get ahead - at least consistently. Honest people are successful because people: ▫ want to work with them ▫ implicitly trust them ▫ respect them Honesty WILL make you successful.

12: Prioritize

How successful people prioritize: ▫ They produce before they consume ▫ Their health is more important than money ▫ Their time is more precious than fame Successful people know what's important. They go after it, protect it, and nurture it.

Notice what is absent from this list? - cars - money - degrees - big homes - pricey suits - best cell phones Things in general. Things don't produce success

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