February 09, 2016

Question & Answer with SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today
Ques: Could you speak about the effect of specific instruments on the chakras?
‪#‎SriSri‬: Drums affect the base chakra. The first chakra is affected by drums. There are big and small drums, they all affect the first chakra. And it’s effect is from first to second chakra. Then the trumpets, the big wind instruments, they affect the second to third chakra, from the Swadishthana to the Manipuri chakra, they impact the navel chakra. Navel to heart, string instruments. Any metallic sound affects the navel areas. Have you noticed any metallic sound or screech, something happens in your belly? The metallic sound, that is the string instrument, affects the navel part, navel to heart. Finer instruments like harp, it affects the heart chakra, Veena, the heart, Sitar, all the string instruments. And a little base, metal sounds affect the navel. From navel to heart chakra is string instrument. And from heart to throat, is finer instruments like flute, flute music and sometimes also the piano. And from throat to in between the eyebrows, it is bells, sound of water, birds, it’s very subtle, soft sounds. They affect from the throat to in between the eyebrows. And the top of the head, what really impacts it is silence, meditation, silence and all other instruments put together at once. If you watch any temple ritual in India, the ancient people somehow knew this! What they did is, they kept the drums at the outer most periphery of the temple and tehn there are the big wind instruments and then you go inside, deep in the sanctum sanctorum there is only bell or conch.. And also sound wise it balances, from the drums to the wind instruments, to the string instruments and then you go again to gentle wind instruments, then you reach to the bells. And finally it all ends in silence. The purpose of sound is silence. Sound originates from silence and its goal is silence. Silence simply means total harmony. When there is total harmony deep within you then sound is like an object, is heavy. But the way is through sound, through music. Music is that which connects the individual to the universal. The limited mind expands through music and realizes it is already part of the Big Consciousness or Big Mind.
Ques: Is it possible to eliminate conflict completely or does it have a role to play?
#SriSri: Conflicts unite good people. If there is no conflict, there is no point in good people to coming together, usually they don’t. But when there is an emergency, everyone gets together! Actually conflict is part of nature, but to resolve it is also part of nature. It’s part of human consciousness. Humanity dignity is to resolve the conflicts. This terrorism is really the biggest challenge in today’s world. It needs to be attended to. And it can be attended to when people become more conscious and they realize we are one humanity, part of one family, in spite of all our differences. In fact all differences should be celebrated. Intelligent people celebrate differences. It’s fools who want to see everything as the same. The sign of intelligence is to celebrate diversity.
Ques: Today science says that matter is just vibrations, is it why music is such an important part of spirituality?
#SriSri: Definitely. Everything is vibes. When there is no harmony inside, music creates that much needed harmony inside.
Ques: The Vedas are said to be of non-human origin. What does that mean?
#SriSri: Vedas are simply downloaded information. The Rishis went in deep meditation and what they heard, what they saw, they started sharing with others. Then they called that as Vedas. That’s why there was a beautiful story – Veda Vyasa, a sage, went to the creator and asked Him, please give me knowledge. And He pointed to a big mountain and said, ‘ This mountain is all knowledge. How much you want to take, you take.’ So he could only put his hand and grab a hand full of knowledge and that is what the Vedas are today. More than 1000 saints, who went into deep meditation, whatever they cognized that became Vedas. And there is a similar story about Ayurveda also. There were 88,000 saints gathered in a place and they wanted to bring health to a society and they said we are all going to meditate. But there should someone to write them all down. Then one Rishi named Bharadwaja who said, ‘I will not meditate, you all meditate. You say, I will note it down. And that’s how Ayurveda was born. And even today it is the perfect science. Like which herb will affect which part of the body, it is impossible for a single human being or a group of them to find that out. It is the Materia Medica of the entire species, not just human beings, of elephants, and cows, all possible creatures on the planet have been down loaded as Ayurveda. It’s amazing! The more you go into it, the more amazing it is!
Ques: It is said the purpose of Yoga is to remove misery, isn’t there is a spiritual goal of Yoga?
#SriSri: Yes, yes. It is preventing the misery that might come, that is what is. Sorrow, which might come in the future, the root cause of it is eliminated now. And this is just a by-product, this is just a one off thing. It’s not the end of it.
Ques: Is the change in society possible through a top don approach or a bottom up one?
#SriSri: Both are essential.
Ques: There is a story in Yoga Vasistha that only a crow remains after dissolution. What is the significance of this story?
#SriSri: Yoga Vasistha is a very mystical book. You know, some of these latest movies are based on Yoga Vasistha? (Matrix, Inception and Interstellar) These movies are based on Yoga Vasistha. And Yoga Vasistha has very deep and multiple meanings, not just one. It takes you into another dimension. Some time we will go into the depth of it.

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