December 24, 2022

Children need stronger fathers.

 Children need stronger fathers.

Here are 20 traits every great father possesses:

1. Storytelling

We all forget most of what our fathers teach us, but we never forget a good story. 

My dad wasn’t always the dad of the year but he instilled some amazing lessons in me through stories (one was about him burning down a bridge). 

Stories can last generations.

2. Accountable 

Fathers show up. 

When it’s hard, easy, early, or late. They show up for their family, friends, wife, kids. This is something that should happen naturally as a father. 

As a father, we should strive for our kids to know that they can always count on us.

3. Confidence

Confidence is contagious.

Confident dads raise confident kids.

Confident kids become confident adults.

The cycle continues until generations are impacted by a confident father. Men you need to believe in yourself and exude confidence.

4. Discipline 

My dad battled with alcohol, but he was disciplined (stay with me).

There were nights when he would crash into bed only to wake up 3 hours later for work. He never missed a day.

Thankfully I haven’t picked up the drinking habit, but I show up everyday.

5. Presence

Fathers need to be present.

In a day where cell phones are raising children, it is rare to find a father who wants to truly spend time with his children.

Children will learn so much from you spending time with them. Make sure it’s a priority.

6. Patience

My father had a short fuse, I don’t. 

I promised myself that my kids would always be comfortable around me and never worry about me blowing up on them. 

Kids should have discipline but not fear when it comes to their father. Practice patience daily.

7. Humility

Fathers shouldn’t care about possessions or social status. This creates generations of people who are willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead.

Instead, kids need to learn how to be successful while still serving others. A heart of humility will go a long way.

8. Sense of humor 

The sound of my laughter from my child is the best sound on this earth. 

Knowing that it’s because I have a princess crown on during our afternoon tea party makes it even better. 

Don’t be the father who never laughs, let go of your pride and be present.

9. Integrity

My dad taught me that if you aren’t doing it when no one is watching, you’re wrong. 

Fathers must teach their children that it’s about doing everything right all the time no matter the praise.

Kids will learn from you where that line is drawn, act accordingly.

10. Sacrifice

Family requires sacrifice.

I learned this the day I watched my dad at dinner not eating. I asked him where his food was and he said he wasn’t hungry.

I realized that we were low on money and he went without so that I could have something. That’s sacrifice.

11. Consistency 

How many fathers do you know who are different every day?

This is something that I have been passionate about since the day I became a father. I want my kids to know that I am the same person every day no matter what happens.

Be steady, daily.

12. Encouraging

Life is hard. 

It’s harder without people in your corner. 

As a father, we should strive to be the ultimate encourager in our kid's lives. This doesn’t mean not giving them the hard truths, it means being there in the good and bad times.

13. Serves his wife

This is important. 

Children need to know that their mom is a priority. How you speak to her, they will speak like that. How you treat her, is how they will treat her. 

Set the example every day for your family through the love that you show your wife.

14. Empathy

Everybody’s broken. 

That’s what your children need to learn from you. They will watch how you interact with the cashier, the homeless man, and everyone around you. 

Let them learn how to treat people through your actions.

15. Loving

True love requires nothing in return. 

Your children and wife should never have to earn your love. No matter what they go through or do daily there should safety in the fact that you love them unconditionally. 

A father's love can change a child.

16. Protector

Your family should look to you for safety. 

Be the father that no matter the situation you can protect your family. Be in physical shape and be willing to make the decisions that are required to protect your family. 

A father should always protect his family.

17. Lifelong Learner

Life is better when you learn from everyone you meet. 

Teach your kids that everyone around them has unique experiences that can help them grow and be successful. 

My dad taught me to learn something new everyday and now I teach my children the same.

18. Discernment

Common sense is taught. 

It is taught through the situations you put your children in to learn. It is taught through your children watching you make daily decisions. 

Let your kids learn how to know right from wrong from you.

19. Sense of purpose

Fathers who wake up everyday with a drive to win that day will raise kids who do the same. 

Fathers should know the direction that they are going and why they are doing it. 

The purpose is what drives you when motivation fades.

20. Emotional intelligence 

Fathers need to be human. 

Teach your children that being able to relate to people and understand what drives them is a superpower. 

Share your struggles so that you raise children that can share theirs. It will change your kid's lives.

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