August 05, 2022

Sentences that will make you a better PARENT today.

When your kids ask you to play, the answer is always yes.

Normalize saying I love you to your kids & spouse daily.

Stop overprotecting your kids. Instead teach them the tools to figure it out on their own. 

Your phone is hurting your relationship with your family.

It’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults.

If you want your kids to be fit & healthy, lead by example.

If you complain & are negative, your kids will complain & be negative.

Teach your kids "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me".

Being a parent is the most important job you will ever have.

Making kids is fun, but it doesn't make you a parent.

Your kids don't care about your promotion at work, your new car or your bank account.

Your kids aren't an excuse for why you can't be healthy & fit. They are the reason you need to get healthy & fit.

Self care is essential to be a great parent.

If you rely on schools to teach your kids everything, your kids will be behind in life.

Screens are not a babysitter.

Prioritizing a strong marriage will give your kids an advantage in life.

Your kids will respect you more if you are in shape.

Listen when your child speaks.

It may seem like nonsense but it isn’t nonsense to them.

Too much screens & sugar just make your job as a parent harder.

Being a present parent is more important than any present you could give your kids.

In the end you won’t wish you spent more time at work.

You’ll wish you spent more time with your family.

There is no greater responsibility than raising the next generation.

With parenting you either win or you learn.

As long as you are trying you don't lose.

Stop over-planning your child's day.

Let them be bored.

The food you feed their kids will impact them for the rest of their lives.

Your words can build your child up, or tear them down.

Choose your words wisely.

Parents who don't have much time for their young kids, wont get to spend much time with them when they're older.

Stop worrying about what is going on outside of your house. Focus on what is going on inside of your house.

If you can’t manage your own emotions, how do you expect your children to manage theirs?

There is zero downside to prioritizing physical fitness with your family.

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