June 27, 2013

Sri Sri on Dealing with Botherations & Angerness

Dealing With Botherations

Three types of thoughts or blames bother you.
First, you have so much talent, but you are unable to use it or bring it out, you feel that you are not being used; that causes frustration in you.

Second, you think you know, but nobody understands you. This is another point of contention where you feel miserable.

Third, you feel you are lost, you should have done better, or differently; then you blame the past, oneself and everybody else around.
These three types of blames or thoughts bother you; they can pull your energy down. There could be a million reasons for you to feel down on the planet. Anything can pull you down, because things are not happening the way you want them to happen.

Using knowledge, just sail over it all, forget about it, it doesn’t matter, so what! So many people use their talents, they all died, and they all have been forgotten!

Who sits and watches Michelangelo’s paintings every day? Once you watch it, then it is forgotten. Beethoven was such a talented musician. Do you think people are sitting every day and listening to it? 
People listen, and then they forget.

प्रश्न : क्रोध से कैसे छुटकारा पाऊं?

श्री श्री रवि शंकर : सुदर्शन क्रिया करो। श्वांस प्रक्रियायें करो। गाओ और ध्यान करो। 

चिंता करने से कोई लाभ नहीं है। जीवन में आगे बढ़ो। कल जो हो चुका है उसके पीछे वर्तमान को व्यर्थ मत करो। जागो और कहो, ‘इस से निपटने की हिम्मत मुझ में है।’ यदि कोई और क्रोधित है तो तुम हर युक्ति का प्रयोग कर के उसे शांत करने की कोशिश करो और फिर सब ईश्वर पर छोड़ दो। शिक्षा दो और नज़रंदाज़ करो। उसे कुछ समय दो। माफ़ी मांग लो तो बहुत से लोग बीती बात भुला ही देते हैं। अगर तब भी माफ़ ना करें तो ये अज्ञान के कारण है।

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