June 27, 2013


There are four kinds of attitude that are good to have in life:

1)Friendliness: Be friendly with people who are happy. If you are not friendly with happy people, you will be jealous.

2)Compassion: Do not be friendly with people who are miserable, instead, have compassion for them. If you are friendly with unhappy people you will become unhappy.
So, what should be the attitude with people who are miserable? Compassion, not pity.

3)Happiness: For people who are doing good work or who are successful in the world, you should feel happy as though you are doing it.

4)Indifference: For people who are doing horrible things in the society, destroying themselves, we usually get angry at them. When you are angry, your mind suffers a huge loss. You lose so much energy, you lose your mood, and your enthusiasm. When energy and enthusiasm goes away from you, you become angry and are no better than the other person. You do not know what you are doing. So, what should you do in such a situation? Have a sort of indifference in your mind.

These are the four attitudes that will help us to save our mind. This is what we need to do, save our mind at all costs.

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