December 20, 2013

Preserving Tomatoes - AMLA

Three home-processing and preservation techniques

1. Preserving tomatoes. Three home-processing and preservation techniques.

2. With red tomatoes, it is easy to make preserves. We shall explain how. How to prepare jars of peeled tomatoes, bottles of tomato pulp and dried tomatoes. With the help of these techniques, we shall be able to make red sauces and other preparations all year round, even when there are no more fresh tomatoes on the market.

3. Sunrise is the best time to pick tomatoes.They are still cool from the last hours of the night.

4. Red, really red, completely red, these are the right tomatoes for us! They are the richest in vitamins.

5. Very red, ripe but fairly firm with no black spots or blemishes, these tomatoes will make firstrate preserves.

6. To transport these fine fruits, we use basins or crates. But be careful not to put in too many at a time.

7. Did you notice that the boxes are not completely full? So, when we put one on top of the other, the tomatoes underneath will not be squashed. Remember that we can't make good preserves out of damaged tomatoes.

8. We've got to quickly get our tomatoes to the house. Our team is waiting to start work

9. Hey, we said "quick!" This is not the moment to stop for a chat! You may be in the shade, but your tomatoes are in the sun. They are going to go bad, man! And you can't make good preserves out of tomatoes that have been lying in the sun.

10. At last! Now, let's get moving!

11. Let's start by washing our hands, without using scented soap: the scent clinging to the skin will give the tomatoes a bad taste.

12. And then let's wash our tomatoes.

13. Let's take the best ones to make peeled tomato preserves. So that they look nice, we choose tomatoes all more or less the same size.

14. The others will be kept to make pulp or dried. Later on we will see how.

15. To begin with, we are going to explain how to prepare peeled tomato preserves.

16. A small quantity of washed tomatoes are put into a bowl.

17. They are dipped gently into boiling water for thirty seconds.

18. After thirty seconds, they are taken out of the cooking pot as quickly as possible with a sieve.

19. They are plunged immediately into cold water for a few minutes. Immersion in cold water after the boiling water helps to loosen the skin.

20. We peel tomatoes completely

21. ... without leaving any skin on them. Without leaving even the tiniest bit of skin.

22. The jars and the lids must also be clean. Let's wash them with hot water. If they are very dirty, we can rub them clean with sand or small pebbles.

23. Everything is clean, so now the jars can be filled with the peeled tomatoes.

24. The tomatoes are packed in by tapping the bottom of the jar with one hand' so the tomatoes are shaken down and fit snugly against each other.

25. This is the moment to add to each jar a little lemon juice without pips. Watch for the pips!

26. The lemon juice is necessary for preservation. One coffee-spoonful per half-litre jar is enough.

27. We also add some hot pulp to fill up the jar. The jar must not be filled right to the top! Leave about one centimetre of air underneath the lid.

28. Be sure to screw the lid on tightly.

29. The jars are closed and must now be sterilized.

30. The bottom of a pot is covered with straw. The jars are placed on it, and then more straw put in between the jars to prevent them from knocking against each other.

31. A flat lid and a big stone on top of it will keep the jars steady and in place.

32. The pot is filled with water. The top jars must be at least two centimetres under the water

33. This is the moment to light a fire. The water will soon start boiling. It should boil for 45 minutes. 45 minutes for half-litre jars. There's no point in boiling them any longer, it's a waste of wood.

34. After 45 minutes, the preserves are sterilized. The fire is put out while the jars are left to cool.

35. Next morning the jars are rinsed and dried.

36. A label is stuck on every jar

37. ... with the name of the product, the name of the group or cooperative and the expiry date.

38. Preferably, these jars should be kept in a cool, dark place. These preserves should be consumed within the year. They can be used to make sauces and other preparations when there are no fresh tomatoes on the market.

39. What are you up to? You're dipping your finger in the jar to find out if it's good? Of course it's good! But once the lid has been unscrewed, the tomatoes won't keep long: they must be used the same day or kept in the fridge.

40. So open the jar only when you are ready to use the peeled tomatoes.

41. Peeled tomatoes are hygienic and rich in vitamins. They are therefore very good for children's health.

42. We are now going to see how to prepare tomato pulp.

43. First we wash our hands.

44. Let's take the tomatoes of different shapes and sizes that we put aside just now. Your remember they were picked in the morning. They were not squashed during trasport, they were not left in the sun and they have been carefully washed.

45. They must also be well drained.

46. The bottles are washed with hot water and sand or small pebbles. Soap is not necessary and it could leave a bad taste.

47. The tomatoes are cut in half

48. ... and checked inside for any that might be rotten

49. The opened tomatoes go into a device called an extractor. It extracts the pulp. It separates the pulp from the seeds and the skin.

50. The tomatoes are pressed down with a wooden spoon from time to time.

51. The seeds and and the skin are put back into the extractor several times, to help crush the pulp and increase the yield.

52. When all the pulp is collected, we pour it into a cooking pot

53. The pot is placed on the fire for what is called the pre-heating. It must simmer without ever boiling.

54. A small spoonful of lemon juice without pips goes into each clean, empty bottle.

55. The bottles are filled, but not completely.

56. A space of two or three must be left, otherwise the bottles will burst during steriIization

57. This is the device to close the bottle. It's called a bottle-capper.

58. And here is a cap.

59. The bottle is closed with the capper.


61. Once the bottles are capped, they are sterilized in a pot, just as with the jars of peeled tomatoes, with straw, a big stone to hold them down, and water which will be boiled for 45 minutes.

62. Bottles can be sterilized at the same time as the half-litre jars if there is enough room in the pot.

63. Next morning, when the bottles are cold, they are rinsed and dried.

64. They are labelled with the name of the product, the name of the group or cooperative and expiry date

65. They can be stored for up to a year and used whenever needed, particularly when there are no more fresh tomatoes on the market. But, as with the peeled tomatoes, an open bottle of pulp must be consumed the same day.

आंवला फल (Indian gooseberry) आइरन और विटामिन सी से भरपूर रस से भरा हुआ प्राकृ्तिक खजाना है. आंवले का जूस रोजाना लेने से पाचन दुरुस्त, त्वचा में चमक, त्वचा के रोगों में लाभ, बालों की चमक बढाने, बालों को सफेद होने से रोकने के अलावा और भी बहुत सारे फायदे हैं.
आंवले का मौसम दिसम्बर से चालू होकर अप्रेल तक रहता है.  दिसम्बर से अप्रेल तक  तो ताजा आंवला जूस ताजा निकाल कर पी सकते हैं.  आंवले के जूस (Amla Juice) को सीजन के बाद प्रयोग करने के लिये आप आंवला जूस को घर में आसानी से निकाल सकते हैं और प्रिजर्व कर सकते हैं

आवश्यक सामग्री - Ingredients for Amla Juice

  • आंवला - 1 कि. ग्राम ( 28 - 30)

विधि - How to make Amla Juice at Home

आंवले को छोटे टुकड़े में काट लीजिये, बीज हटा दीजिये.
आंवले के थोड़े से टुकड़े मिक्सर जार जिसमें मसाला पीसा जाता है, उसमें डालिये और पीसिये, इन टुकड़ों के पेस्ट बन जाने पर थोड़े और टुकड़े जार में डालिये और बिलकुल बारीक होने तक पीस लीजिये. पहली बार थोड़े ही आंवले बारीक पीस लीजिये, इस पेस्ट को साफ सूती कपड़े में डालिये और दबाकर जूस किसी प्याले में छान लीजिये. आंवला पल्प को अलग प्याले में रख लीजिये.
इसके बाद आंवले के टुकडों के साथ निकाला हुआ आंवला जूस भी मिक्सी में डाल दीजिये और आंवले के टुकडों को पीस लीजिये. सूखे आंवले के टुकड़े पीसने के बजाय इन्हें थोडा तरल पदार्थ मिला कर आसानी से पीसा जा सकता है. थोड़ा पहले से निकाला हुआ आंवला जूस मिला देने से यह जल्दी और अच्छी तरह से पिस जायेंगे.
पिसे हुये आंवले और जूस के मिश्रण को कपड़े में डालिये और हाथ से दबाकर सारा जूस निकाल लीजिये, पल्प को पल्प वाले प्याले में रख दीजिये.
सारे आंवले के टुकड़ों के लिये यही तरीका बार बार दुहरा कर जूस निकाल लीजिये. एक किलोग्राम आंवले में लगभग 600 -700 ग्राम तक जूस निकल आता है.
आंवला जूस को किसी कांच या प्लास्टिक के कन्टेनर में भरकर फ्रिज में रख लीजिये. इस आंवला जूस को 1 महिने तक प्रयोग कर सकते हैं.
यदि आपके पास जूसर है, तब आंवले को काट कर डायरेक्ट जूसर में डालकर जूस आसानी से निकाला जा सकता है.

आंवला जूस को प्रिजर्व कैसे करें - How to Preserve Amla Juice

आंवला जूस प्रिजर्व करने के लिये 500 ग्राम आंवला जूस को 500 ग्राम कांच की या प्लास्टिक की बोतल में भरें और इसमें 1 छोटी चम्मच सोडियम लेक्टेट (Sodium Lactate) डालकर बोतल को अच्छी तरह से हिला दें ताकि सोडियम लेक्टेट (Sodium Lactate) आंवला जूस में भली भांति मिल जाय. प्रिजर्व करने के लिये उतनी ही बड़ी बोतल लें जितना जूस आप प्रिजर्व कर रहे है. जूस की मात्रा से अधिक बड़ी बोतल न लें. इस प्रिजर्व की हुई बोतल को आप फ्रिज में रखकर आठ-दस महीने तक प्रयोग कर सकते हैं.
सोडियम लेक्टेट (Sodium Lactate) आपको खाने के कैमीकल बेचने वाली दुकानों पर आराम से मिल जाता है.
इसके अलावा आप आंवले जूस को आइस ट्रें में जमाकर आंवला जूस क्यूब भी बना सकते है़.

आंवला जूस को कैसे प्रयोग करें - How to use Amla Juice

जब भी आप आंवला जूस प्रयोग करना चाहें तो दो छोटी चम्मच आंवला जूस या एक आंवला जूस क्यूब को एक कप गरम पानी और 1-2 छोटी चम्मच शहद में मिलाईये. यदि आप शहद न लेना चाहें तो आंवला जूस को काला नमक मिलाकर भी पी सकते हैं.

तुरन्त प्रयोग के लिये आंवला जूस कैसे निकालें - How to use Fresh Amla for Juice

दो आंवले के बीज हटाकर छोटे छोटे टुकडे करें और इसे ग्राइंडर में थोड़ा सा पानी डालकर पेस्ट बना लीजिये.  इस पेस्ट को एक कप पानी में मिलाकर छान लीजिये.  इस जूस में 1-2 छोटे चम्मच शहद या एक चुटकी काला नमक मिलाकर प्रयोग कर सकते 

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